Chapter 44: Everything's in Chaos

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The other two cars belonging to the Green Star gang only had one escapee.

The other one was captured by Xiu Xian and co.

They were locked inside a rundown house in the slums.

Eli stood guard inside while Xiu Xian and Crownslayer discussed their next steps outside.

They needed to figure out what was going on.

"So, the situation is basically like this," Xiu Xian reported quietly. "We have opposition from three different groups at all three locations. The bikers were with me, Chu Ning has some street thugs, and Eli's group are part of some syndicate. Besides the bikers, there are also those two women at my location that came after. The Green Star gang, as well as Chu Ning's thugs, are not to be underestimated. There might be people backing them up too, just that they were not as impulsive as the two women on my side."

Crownslayer's face darkened.

She couldn't believe that the rendezvous left by the Reunion Movement in Lungmen had been infiltrated to this extent!

Xiu Xian looked serious. "So, I suggest we interrogate these guys right away to find out who's backing them up. And we need to prepare for the possibility of our identities being exposed somehow."

"I understand," Crownslayer took a deep breath and looked at Xiu Xian. "Thanks for everything. Through each operation and each risk we faced, we've all managed to come out safely thanks to you."

Xiu Xian smiled. "Don't mention it, Leader. If you hadn't come to get me earlier, I'd probably still be running for my life from those two crazy women. Let's skip the pleasantries. And we're still not out of danger yet. We need to understand the situation first."

With that, Crownslayer pulled out her dagger. "Let's start the interrogation."

Xiu Xian and Crownslayer entered the room, and Xiu Xian began, "Now, we'll ask, and you'll answer."

The four gang members nodded repeatedly.

They had tried to fight back earlier, and boy, did they pay for it.

Xiu Xian was about to begin questioning when Crownslayer suddenly spoke up, "We don't need all these tongues. Three of you are enough."

Xiu Xian was taken aback.

Eli nodded, a cruel smile hidden beneath his mask. "Got it!"

With that, he walked up to one of the gang members and plunged his knife into the man's heart.

Xiu Xian's body trembled slightly.

Then, his eyes cleared. Damn it, he had almost forgotten that the Reunion Movement was essentially a group of extremists. Some of them had endured things beyond what normal people could bear—oppression, expulsion. Some were just congregations of infected, while others were pure thugs.

The Reunion Movement accepted all who were infected, and the fact that they hadn't fallen into chaos yet was largely due to the efforts of Talulah and her squad leaders. This also indirectly confirms the strength and authority that these squad leaders hold.

Although Crownslayer was often exasperated by him, at her core, she's a dangerous assassin that moves like a phantom. Xiu Xian had almost forgotten that she was a squad leader of Reunion since he had joked around with her so much these past few days.

For the gang members, seeing their comrade being killed so unexpectedly made them cry out in terror.

Crownslayer spoke again, "We'll interrogate each of you one by one. You better cooperate and tell the truth, or you'll end up like him."

With that, she pointed to the guy next to the dead man. "You, first."


Inside a command vehicle of the LGD, as the transmitter was activated, two red dots appeared on the map.

"Great job, Hoshiguma!" Swire exclaimed excitedly. "I'll lead a team to catch them now!"

"Wait!" Chen immediately stopped Swire. "Don't be impulsive! It's not so easy for the police cars to charge directly into the slums."

"What do you mean?"

"In the slums, a police car passing would attract attention like a flashlight in the dark. Going directly would easily alert them."

Swire hesitated for a moment. "Oh, I see. So, what's your plan?"

Chen looked at Hoshiguma.

Hoshiguma shrugged. "It's simple. The police cars will stop nearby, and then the Special Ops Team will lead the way, closing in on foot from different directions." Hoshiguma pointed to the map. "But the slums have complex terrain. There are six roads that lead out of their location. These guys are pretty smart."

"Could this be their base?" Swire asked.

"Probably not," Hoshiguma shook his head. "They stopped too quickly. It's probably just a temporary refuge. So they might leave soon."

"Will we be too slow?" Swire asked.

"The distance shouldn't be a problem. If we act now," Hoshiguma said, looking at Chen, "you're the team leader of the Special Ops Team. You give the order."

Chen took a deep breath, then put her hand on her sword hilt. "Move out!"

Chen didn't forget her duty as an officer. In this situation, the best way to protect Xiu Xian was to capture him directly. If he were exposed because of this... well, she would just have to step in to save him herself.

Although it would be a pity if the undercover mission was terminated, as long as Xiu Xian was safe, that was all that mattered.

But Chen still had some optimism. That guy... always managed to create miracles. Hopefully, this time would be no different.


"You mean you knew the people you targeted were from Reunion?"

"Who doesn't know about that city-wide purge a while ago? The infected in the sewers over here aren't exactly a secret. Without us, they'd be dead already. offense, of course......"

Crownslayer waved her hand, continuing to question, "Why did you follow members of Reunion?"

"We wanted the list," the gang member said. "Everyone knows that some spy from Reunion got a list of Lungmen's undercover agents. Everyone's searching for him."

Xiu Xian curiously asked, "What do you want the list for?"

"'There are plenty of reasons," the gangster scratched his head. "For us, we could sell it to Lungmen or to other forces with Lungmen moles. It's all about money, you know?"

"Besides you guys, who else knows about this?"

"There are plenty," the gangster replied. "The black market received the message. The guy said that whoever could help him escape from Lungmen would receive the list. As a result, the entire underground world of Lungmen was looking for him. But this son of a... this guy, he managed to hide himself very well. No one could find him. Since we couldn't find him, our attention naturally turned to the whole of the Reunion Movement."

Crownslayer bit her teeth and turned away from the interrogation room.

Xiu Xian followed her out, "The testimonies from the three of them are consistent. This situation is even messier than we thought."

"The entirety of our communications is under scrutiny," Crownslayer chuckled bitterly. "I thought it would be chaotic, but I didn't expect it to be this chaotic!"

Just as Crownslayer was about to continue, Galileo's voice came through the earpiece, "Boss, something's not right. There are numerous squads from the LGD approaching your location on foot."

Crownslayer was startled, "How much further?"

"'About a kilometer."

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