Chapter 40: Full of Holes

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Xiu Xian breathed a sigh of relief once he got in the car.

"Only one person is chasing you?"

"Two," Xiu Xian glanced back and then said, "And one said she's going back to get a car, so I suggest you step on it... Wait, Boss, why are we going at 50 km/h?"

Crownslayer tilted her chin towards the front.

Xiu Xian looked over. It was a sign with a speed limit of 50 km/h.

"Oh, come on! Since when were you a law-abiding citizen?"

"That girl there was a Sankta, not some robot," Crownslayer said. "I don't want to be pulled over by the police for speeding. That would really be troublesome."

"I'm begging you," Xiu Xian said. Crownslayer might not know how formidable the duo from Penguin Logistics were, but Xiu Xian did! These Penguin Logistics folks, once on the road, are absolutely fast and furious!

And they weren't your average delivery service, either. Even UPS drivers tend to speed and go crazy, let alone these lunatics who are practically mercenaries!

Even in the game, their various promotional images were related to vehicles. For them, street racing wasn't anything unusual.

Xiu Xian was feeling exasperated. "Let's just focus on escaping as quickly as possible. There are fewer surveillance cameras in the slums, and not that many police."

As he spoke, a roar erupted from behind.

Xiu Xian turned his head and saw a black sedan racing toward them!

"Leader!" Xiu Xian immediately sat back and stared fixedly at the road ahead. "Step on the gas!"

Crownslayer glanced at the rearview mirror, surprised. "Why are they going so fast?"

"Don't be surprised! Just go!"

Xiu Xian turned and saw Exusiai leaning out of the car window, the KRISS Vector in her hand.

"Boss, does this car have bulletproof glass?"

"Do you think we have that kind of budget?"

"Sorry! Get down!"

Xiu Xian forcefully slammed Crownslayer's head down.

With a loud crash, Crownslayer hit the steering wheel, and the car horn blared continuously. The SUV surged forward.

It was now evening, and people in the slums don't tend to go out at night. There were only a few vehicles on the streets.

The horn pierced through the air, and the few vehicles ahead quickly made their way.

It was at this moment that the sound of shattered windows rang out.

The rear windshield had been completely shattered, and not just the rear, even the front windshield had been pierced!

If Xiu Xian hadn't pushed Crownslayer down, their heads would have suffered the same fate as those windows.

"Why are they getting so violent?" Xiu Xian took advantage of the lull in the gunfire to look back.

Crownslayer also raised her head and glanced at the road ahead, cursing, "This is unbelievable! Why do I always have to hit something when I'm in a vehicle with you? And it's my head that slams into things!"

"At least we're alive!" Xiu Xian said, opening the glove compartment and rummaging through it.

"What are you looking for?"

"A pen and paper."

"Why would you think there's one in the car? And what do you need it for?"

"You'll see." Xiu Xian said and took a pillow in the rear seat, then rummaged through Crownslayer's bag and pulled out a lipstick.

Crownslayer never used that stuff, but to maintain her cover as a tourist, she brought along some simple makeup, although these items were almost always left untouched.

The only one that uses these things is Chu Ning (for disguises).

Xiu Xian quickly wrote a few words on the pillow.

Meanwhile, on Exusiai's end:

"They're lucky," the Sankta retreated and switched to a new position.

"You're going to kill them at this rate," Texas said as she drove.

"Don't worry! I know my limits. I'll avoid vital spots. As long as they dodge, I can disable their car first." Exusiai said as she peeked out again. She had just adjusted her scope when she saw a pillow protruding from the shattered back window of the SUV, with some words written on it.

Exusiai pulled her head back. "What does it say?"

Texas read it aloud: "We're in the city."

"Eh? Oh, right!" Exusiai slapped her forehead. "We're in the city! Where are our masks?"

"Uh... even if you wear a mask, what about that halo on your head?" Texas was focused on the road ahead but still couldn't help asking.

"Never mind that! With so many Sanktas, I'll just cover my face. Oh, found it!" Exusiai pulled out a mask from the back seat, put it on her head, and then peeked out again.

While holding the steering wheel steadily to avoid hindering Exusiai's shooting, Texas silently said, "Isn't he trying to tell us not to shoot in the city?"

Xiu Xian was flabbergasted upon seeing Exusiai with her mask.

He held up this sign-like thing to remind the two behind him that this was the city! Shootouts in the city would obviously attract police and harm innocent people.

He thought Exusiai retreating meant his reminder had worked, but this idiot was really something, she just came out with a mask...

And what about that halo? You're only deceiving yourself!

"Lie down." Xiu Xian shouted again, at the same time, he raised his hand and a layer of ice rose to cover the rear window.

Xiu Xian can get an infected's arts if he touches them, but it has its limits.

Unlike a certain copy ninja, the power of his learned arts decreases with each use.

For example, when he fought that fire guy, he managed to block an attack with Frostnova's ice, but he probably couldn't have done it again.

Without replenishment, the power would only weaken over time. To replenish it, there were two ways: touch the Infected again during treatment or absorb the Originium stripped from the patient.

If Xiu Xian had been in contact with an Infected for a long time, he would permanently gain some of their arts. For example...

And the most important point: if Xiu Xian didn't remove the originium crystals that form on his body after he treats someone, he could continue using their arts until that crystal is exhausted and dissipates on its own. That's how he is using Frostnova's abilities right now.

As Chen had once said, Xiu Xian is like a machine that runs on originium.

As the bullets rained onto the ice, Crownslayer couldn't stand it anymore: "Their car's performance is better than ours. Hold them off for a bit longer, I'll call for backup."

"No!" Xiu Xian quickly shouted. "Boss, Reunion right now is practically a hive for spies! There are holes everywhere, and if you call for backup, you might just bring more trouble!"

"What should we do then?" Crownslayer asked. "At this rate, we'll be the ones full of holes!"

Xiu Xian gritted his teeth and pulled out a spare phone to make a call.

"Who are you calling?" Crownslayer asked.

But Xiu Xian had already connected the call.

"Hello? LGD? I'm reporting an emergency!!!"

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