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[Kaiju Designation: Monster X]

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[Kaiju Designation: Monster X]

[Classification: Titanus Keizer]

[Species: Extraterrestrial skeletal three-headed dragon]

[Height: 120 Meters]

[Weight: 60,000 metric tons]

[Place(s) of emergence: Unknown]


Monster X is a mostly humanoid creature with the exception of a long black forked tail. His clothing consists of a jet black full body skin tight suit with a white bone-like armor on his upper chest, waist, legs, feet, and gauntlets of the same material primarily focused on his forearm and back on hand with spikes jutting out, the same armor can be found on the tip of his tail. He wears a helmet with the resemblance of a stereotypical draconian skull. On his shoulders are half skull with the same appearance as his helmet.]


Monster X's origins of world are completely unknown due to his sudden appearance along with a large meteorite falling to earth. Highly likely there is some relation between the two events.


Extreme Strength: Monster X has shown to have extreme physical strength on par with Godzilla and perhaps surpassing hers. He has been seen effortlessly lifting object weigh well over 55,000 metric tons

Extreme Agility: While a definitive max speed has not been documented, Monster X has shown to posses great agility through large leaps and ariel maneuvers. During combat Monster X has shown to be able to deal fast and hard hitting blows

Extreme Durability: Monster X has shown to be able to take devastating blows that would incapacitate most kaiju point plank and come out unscathed(example being Godzilla's atomic breath and explosion of a large asteroid)

Gravity Beams: Monster X can fire yellow electrical beams in rapid bursts from its eyes. These beams are fired from both eyes on Monster X's head and the single eye on each of the partial skull-like structures on his shoulders. These beams appear to be roughly equal in strength to Godzilla's atomic breath

Energy siphoning: Monster X demonstrates the ability to directly siphon energy from other kaiju by biting down on them. During the process his necks tends glow as the energy passes through them, often taking a different coloration based on the source

Levitation and flight: Monster X is capable of levitating for a duration of time. The time often varies depending on the duration and severity on the levitation. Ex. simple levitation lasting much longer than pure flight

Transformation: ████ ██████ ████ ████ ███ ████████ █████████

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