Chapter Two- The Need To Escape

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Byakuya might be fast, but time was running out. Well, not fully but he had spend around half of the time already and still hadn't escaped. But he was sure he would find the escape soon- he had to.

It would've helped if Ichiro wasn't lazily sitting on a chair, but Byakuya couldn't do anything about it. Not if he wanted to keep his act up, that it.

So, he stayed quiet about his annoyance. He just looked into the safe and grabbed what he saw.

Inside were documents, multiple of them. They all had the same theme more or less- they centred around Mr. Homura.

In the annals of corporate history, few stories are as captivating and cautionary as that of Homura Industries, a titan of industry whose name once evoked admiration and reverence in boardrooms around the globe. With a stellar track record of business acumen and philanthropic endeavours, the head- Mr. Homura- ascended to the upper echelons of the business world, commanding respect and influence at every turn. However, beneath the veneer of success lurked a scandal of epic proportions, threatening to dismantle his empire and tarnish his legacy irreparably.

The seeds of Homura's downfall were sown in the shadows of his empire, where clandestine deals and unethical practices flourished unchecked. It began with whispers of financial irregularities and insider trading, casting a pall of suspicion over his once-sterling reputation. As investigations ensued and evidence mounted, the full extent of his transgressions came to light, shocking the business community and the public alike. Especially his most prominent business partner, Dokuro Togami, took this personally. He had never imagined Homura would do this.

The scandal involved a scheme devised to embezzle money. Despite his attempts to conceal his involvement, damning evidence surfaced, implicating Homura's in a web of deceit and corruption. Revelations of bribery, embezzlement, and fraud rocked his empire to its core, triggering a cascade of legal and ethical repercussions that reverberated far and wide.

As the scandal unfolded, Homura's once-impeccable reputation lay in tatters, tarnished by the stain of scandal. Shareholders recoiled in horror as the value of his companies plummeted, erasing billions in market capitalization overnight. Boardrooms echoed with calls for accountability, as regulators and law enforcement agencies launched inquiries into his conduct, vowing to mete out justice to those responsible. Dokuro Togami reported to have cut ties with him, though he was still seen around Homura.

However, in the end, all charges were cleared and Mr. Homura got away without facing any repercussions.

This was all very... interesting. And it seemed to be real too- Byakuya recognised the name of one of his ancestors. So, in a way, this escape room was nothing more than a history lesson.

But that wasn't the only document there, there was also one detailing the relationship between Mr. Homura and Dokuro.

Kai Homura, a visionary entrepreneur with a penchant for disruptive innovation, founded Homura Industries—a conglomerate renowned for its groundbreaking ventures in technology, renewable energy, and biotechnology. His counterpart, Dokuro Togami, emerged from heir as a formidable force in finance, spearheading the Togami Corporation to become a global powerhouse in investment banking and asset management.

The convergence of Homura's groundbreaking ideas and Togami's astute financial acumen sparked the genesis of their partnership. Recognizing complementary strengths and a shared vision for pioneering change, they forged an alliance that transcended conventional business boundaries. Their first venture together, a groundbreaking renewable energy project, not only showcased their individual prowess but also laid the foundation for a partnership grounded in innovation and strategic foresight.

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