Animator vs Animation 2

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The scene opens to a white screen as the animator decides to draw another black stick figure in Adobe Flash and makes one that appears seemingly identical to victim. As he clicks on the stick figure and converts them to a symbol in order to animate them, he goes through several ideas on what to name him, starting off again with "victim" but decides he wants a better challenge and changes it to "killer", then "BEAST", before finally deciding on the highest known level: "The Chosen One" (TCO).

Animator: "Well, at least its not-"

He spoke too soon when TCO pulls his hands towards his chest and causes a giant explosion, burning the select box in the process.

Animator: "What the he-?!"

TCO: "Die!"

He throws the flame from the explosion towards the animator's mouse cursor, and breaks a scroll bar, using it as a weapon against the animator.

Animator: "Ow! Hey, stop that!"

TCO: "No! You need to die!"

The animator opens a library containing an arsenal of weapons, and throws an axe at TCO, who catches the weapon and swings it right back at him, destroying a scroll bar.

Animator: "Hey, my scroll bar!"

The animator then drags out a shotgun and chooses "Aim and Fire", which makes the gun to shoot without the animator's input. TCO dodges the bullets with ease and destroys the gun. The animator drags out a pistol and rocket launcher and again selects "Aim and Fire". A bullet and rocket is shot at TCO, but he dodges the attacks.

TCO: "Nice try!"

TCO then uses a laser beam to destroys the weapons and the entire Flash interface itself. Some timeline frames start falling on him, which he destroys with his fire breath.

Animator: "Nooo! Hey, get back here!"

TCO: "You'll have to catch me first!"

He then breaks the library window and escapes onto the desktop. The animator minimizes the window and chases after him. TCO then begins to dig through the Recycle Bin and pulls out three files labelled "junk", "crap" and "crappy junk", but the mouse drags it away.

Animator: "Hey, don't dig through the bin!"

TCO then rips up a text file named "songlist", flies up and burns through a Word document named "requiredessay", and uses the Mozilla Firefox icon to propel himself down to a cabinet file named "data", waking Firefox up. He begins rustling through the cabinet, but it is burned by Firefox.

TCO: "Hey! I was digging through that!"

While attacking Firefox, TCO accidentally hits AIM with fire, waking him up. Firefox launches itself towards TCO, but TCO kicks it in the Recycle Bin. Firefox then blows up the Recycle Bin, releasing the deleted files, but TCO quickly freezes it.

AIM: "Your going to pay for waking me up!"

TCO: "Oh, shoot..."

AIM then uses Windows Media Player to launch explosive music notes towards TCO, but the latter grabs one of the notes and launches it towards Windows Media Player, blowing it up. AIM trips and falls into Paint, knocking the brushes out of the cup, and grabs two brushes, while TCO grabs one brush.

Animator: "I need to find a way to stop this!"

The animator takes the opportunity to quickly login to AIM, but all of his buddies except for Programmer021 are offline. He starts talking to Programmer021, asking for advice on how to defeat The Chosen One. Meanwhile, AIM and The Chosen One battle on top of noogai3's chat bar, bouncing each other around with the paint brushes. AIM then decides to grab the hammer from Game Maker to kill The Chosen One, but The Chosen One kicks the ball and hits Adobe Photoshop, awakening it.

Adobe Photoshop: "Who dares to wake me up?!"

AIM and The Chosen One wrestle for the hammer, but Adobe Photoshop destroys the hammer while trying to attack The Chosen One.

TCO: "Whoa!"

The Chosen One and Adobe Photoshop briefly battle, but he aggressively forces Photoshop's laser back at it, which kills it and causes a massive explosion, scattering icons and documents everywhere. This awakens My Computer, but he waits for AIM to finish his fight before attacking.

AIM: "Your going to pay for waking me up!"

TCO: "Bring it on then!"

AIM then grabs the Paint cup and smashes it over TCO's head. Programmer021 is about to tell the animator what to do, but TCO grabs the chat window and smashes AIM in the chest with it, killing him instantly and causing the chat window to disappear. The animator then right clicks on AIM, and all options are disabled except for Delete and two options for sending him to Heaven or a Graveyard.

TCO: "Well then, that guy is- *sees My Computer hopping down in front of him* Who are you?"

MY Computer doesn't say anything, but starts whacking him with its mouse. TCO tries to use fire breath against it, but it is blocked by the Firewall. TCO tries to kick it, but is blocked by a security shield. While they are fighting, noogai3 decides to start a scan with Avast! Antivirus in a final attempt to stop TCO. TCO then rips the mouse out of My Computer, and in a fit of rage it shoots several CDs at him.

Animator: "I hope this plan works!"

However, this proves to be its demise, as TCO launches the CDs into the computer, causing it to have to load the data and freeze up. The animator begins the scan, and TCO knocks over My Computer and heads for the Start Menu. He jumps on the Start button, and swallows the "Help and Support", "Search", and "Run" icons. HE then lifts the Turn Off Computer button and is about to step on it, but just before he is startled by the massive alarm noise made by Avast.


Avast: "CAUTION: A virus has been detected."

Avast then sends a bunch of miniature lightning bolts after him, which he attempts to destroy but he is defeated within seconds.

Animator: "We have you now!"

TCO: "Nooooooo-!"

The Chest from Avast then catches him as the chest closes on TCO before the scene goes black. The scene opens up again as the animator is reading the news on RandomPage.Com. He soon clicks on tools and opens up the Pop-Up Blocker, revealing that TCO is now trapped with a chain ball around his foot.

TCO: "I hate this..."

The Chosen One burns down repeated pop-ups. Defeated, he sits back and then the screen fades to black.

Animator Vs Animation (Genderbend Insert)Where stories live. Discover now