Chapter Seven

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Warning: Abuse

Sammy and I had a good Saturday. Until suddenly, before bed time, she asked me about what was happening yesterday.

"Oh well I was meeting with Francis and Antonio for a work project."

"With Francis?!"

"Yes, but there was Antonio too?"

"Being gay?!"

"Kinda- I mean, what the bloody hell?! There was another person there!"

"Get out of bed. And strip yourself."


"Then I'll do it myself."

She picked me up and pinned me to the wall. She took my clothes off one by one. Until I was completely naked. She slapped me on my ass, punched my face again, and kicked my stomach.

"LET GO OF ME, GIT!" I cried in pain

"Don't even talk to me like that!"

She carried me naked downstairs, and got a towel downstairs too. She put the towel on the ground and layed me on it, then got a knife.

"Please. Save me Francis."

"He's not coming to save you. He's only trying to make fun of you, that's all." She said as she poked my nipples, neck, and waist with the knife. Soon realized I was bleeding.


"She stabbed me everywhere even more. I didn't feel Alice. Until I saw four familiar figures at the door step...

"Let him go!"


"He's our baby brother, don't you even dare lay a hand on him!" Said Dylan

"What are all of you doing here?" I asked

"Dylan, go get Arthur some clothes. And get all his necessary stuff too. Sean, carry Arthur back into the car as soon as Dylan gets clothes. Conner is in the car, setting everything up for Arthur. I'll deal with this arsehole."

Sean wrapped the towel around me and picked me up, while Dylan ran upstairs.

"How did you guys find me?" I asked

"A man named Francis contacted us. We made sure to come as soon as we can. And oh my god, you're really pale! What did that woman do to you?!" Asked Sean

"I-" I couldn't do it anymore. My eyes just fell shut and my body just stopped... working. Still in Sean's hands, wrapped in a towel.

(POV: 3rd)

"ARTHUR! Wake up!" Screamed Sean as he rushed naked Arthur wrapped in a towel into the back trunk of the car

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Asked Conner, "I set everything up! How do we save him?"

"You guys are here already?" Said a Frenchman as he pulled up onto the driveway, "WHAT HAPPENED TO ARTHUR?!"

Dylan came rushing out of the front door with clothes. "His horrible wife did this! IS HE DEAD?"

"Arthur! Please wake up!" Screamed Conner

"Don't worry let's take him to the hospital..." said Francis

As Alistair came out of the house, he ran over to Arthur in the trunk.

"Arthur?! Oh for the love of god, please say you're okay!"

"Where's Sammy?" Asked Dylan

"Don't worry. I beat her up. She's just unconscious. She'll be fine soon. We have to call the cops."

"Please baby brother be alive."

"I'm glad I gave it a go." (FrUK Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now