K Project OCs

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Name~ Roxanna Malerie Kuzaki
Age~ 23
Bday~ August 12th
Zodiac~ Leo
Height~ 5'4
Likes~ drinking, relaxing, smoking {sometimes} and sleeping
Dislikes~ anyone who harms anyone one in her clan, backstabbers and some of the blue clan and the colorless king {she despises him}

Abilities~ She has a red aura and when she use her abilities she cause explosive like fireworks of different sizes depending on how much power she uses she can quite the threat

Firecracker Shot~ This ability allows the user to send needle like shots at enemy and cause them I immobile state for about 5-10 minutes.

Flaming Smokebomb~ the user uses this ability to cause a distraction to get away to safety if they ever needed to
do if the situation ever got too much to deal with.

Flare~ this is ability is simple. Let's the user fire a flare to give off their location to allies in the area or nearby. It can be seen from afar too

Visionary~ allows her to see visions of events that are suppose to happen before they even do

Chaotic Fire~ this ability is powerful the user can use this to do massive damage if she puts power into the attack it's strong enough to even kill a king but at great cost of the user's fatigue causing her to pass out a few minutes after using the attack not regaining conscious for a few days or so

Clan~ Red Clan
Crush~ Mikoto Suoh

Red by Pieces

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