• I have other ways to punish you • 🌶️

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"Super healthy and happy. Afterall, you took care of me." He shook his head while smiling at me.

"Good. Now take a seat here. I'll bring you something to eat."

He put pancakes and french toast in front me, accompanied by a glass of fruit smoothie. My mouth watered at the sight of the delicious breakfast made by this delicious man.

I took a bite of the french toast and moaned in delight at it's taste.

"Wow. This is so good. I love it. I didn't know you are such a nice cook. What more talents are you hiding, Mr. Ashford?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him, making him chuckle.

He settled beside me, with his breakfast and started eating.

"My dad is an amazing cook. Though he is a businessman. But he has always loved cooking. So, every sunday, he used to make something for us. I developed my interest from there and learned some of the things by watching him." He told me with a proud expression.

He must be close to his father. And I felt myself getting a little bitter at the mention of his bond with his dad, which is ridiculous.

I am not unhappy because he has a great bond with his father. But every time someone mentions something about their dad, I feel like going to Mr. Arthur and bang his head on the nearest wall. And teach him a lesson for not being a good father.

I always feel jealous of everyone who got all the love from their dad, while my so called father left his daughter, just to fulfil wishes of someone else.

"You are lost again. Have you always been like this? Living in your head most of the time." He asked me, bringing me back from my train of thoughts.

"Nothing. I was just.... um...well, leave it. It's nothing important. Let's eat before it gets cold." I dodged his question, trying to change the subject.

I could feel his eyes on me for a few seconds. He wanted to ask me something. But thankfully, he decided to drop it. He must have sensed my discomfort from the topic and didn't say anything.

We finished rest of our breakfast in silence and he took all the dishes, putting them into the dishwasher.

We finished rest of our breakfast in silence and he took all the dishes, putting them into the dishwasher

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Did I say something wrong? Her demeanor changed as soon as I told her about dad. She is still lost in her thoughts, while I clean the mess in the kitchen.

I wanted to ask her what she was thinking about. I wanted to know what is bothering her. But refrained from doing so. I didn't want to cross the boundaries of our relationship.

No matter how much time we spend together, in the end, our relationship is just an arrangement for pleasure. She is not my girlfriend. So, I don't have any right to meddle in her personal affairs.

However, I can feel the lines of a 'just sex' relationship blur gradually. Her presence make me feel at home.

In these past weeks I have become addicted to her. And not being able to be around her makes me restless and crave her more and more.

LOVE ME HARDERKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat