Two Years of Whiskey

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Two whole years of you
Two whole years of loving you
Two whole years of being your forever home
Two whole years of you and me

Whiskey I can't believe it's been 2 whole years since I got you! These past 2 years have been amazing! This past year has been a really good year! Today marks 2 whole years since we got you and brought you to your forever home! We're still doing Whiskey Wednesday every week which everyone still loves to see! Everybody still loves you which I'm really happy about because who doesn't love you! You still love to give kisses and I still love your kisses and I don't think that will ever change and I hope it doesn't! I love you more and more each day Bubba! I wouldn't change these 2 past years for anything in the world! Bubba you are my life and I love you so much! You make me so happy and make me smile and laugh every day! I can't imagine you not being a part of my life or our family! You complete us Bubba! I love you so much Baby Boy and I hope you know that! This Gotcha Day you got a new red collar which you look very handsome in! You also got a new lobster toy which is probably going to be ripped apart in the next few days! Happy 2nd Gotcha Day Bubba! Two years down forever to go baby boy forever to go! I love you Bubba to the moon and back and further than that times infinity! Happy Gotcha Day Bubba!

Whiskey I can't believe it's been 2 whole years since I got you! These past 2 years have been amazing! This past year has been a really good year! Today marks 2 whole years since we got you and brought you to your forever home! We're still doing W...

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