Whiskey Wednesday 7/13/22

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Happy Whiskey Wednesday everyone here are some new pictures of Whiskey from this week

Happy Whiskey Wednesday everyone here are some new pictures of Whiskey from this week

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(Whiskey laying in my bed being so cute)

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(Whiskey laying in my bed being so cute)

(Whiskey laying in my bed being so cute)

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(Where's Whiskey?)

(Where's Whiskey?)

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(Whiskey being the cutie that he is)

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(Whiskey being the cutie that he is)

(Whiskey being the cutie that he is)

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(Whiskey just hanging outside)

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(Whiskey just hanging outside)

Happy Whiskey Wednesday everyone! I hope you all have an amazing day today! Remember to smile! Happy Whiskey Wednesday and come back tomorrow for a very special chapter!

As always much love Whiskey and me 🐾💜

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