Five Months of Whiskey

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Five whole months of you
Five whole months of loving you
Five whole months of being your forever home
Five whole months of you and me

Whiskey I can't believe it's been 5 months since we brought you home. You have made me so happy these past 5 months. I can't remember what life was like before you came into it. I remember the first time I met you, I fell in love with you right away and I knew that you were going to be mine that day. I remember when I was leaving that day you pawed at my chest it was like you didn't want me to leave and that made me fall more in love with you. I didn't want to leave you I wanted to bring you home that day. I had to wait a long time to bring you home 28 days to be exact. It was the longest 28 days of my life. But it was so worth it because I got you in the end. Whiskey I love you so much. I love how you know when I'm sad and you come to me and lick my face. Your kisses keep getting better each and every day. I love your kisses they let me know that you love me. I love that you love me. You make me so happy Bubba. I love that I get to wake up every morning to your sweet face. I love you Bubba. Happy 5 months of you being at your forever home. Five months down forever to go baby boy forever to go! I love you so much Bubba.

 Five months down forever to go baby boy forever to go! I love you so much Bubba

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