Chapter 6 "The Truth"

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The following day, many people gathered at Michael's funeral, nestled beside the resting places of his mother, Scelyn, and his grandfather, Ultron. As they returned home, Rhodler couldn't shake the memories of happier times, especially those with his father.

"Maybe I'll visit Dean at the hospital first. He might take a while before returning from the mission," Kenji suggested.

"I'll head back to the lab, get some rest there, and whip up something for breakfast," Rhodler replied.

"And you, Clary, where will you be?" Kenji inquired.

"I'll assist Rhodler, for our morning meal," Clary answered.

"Alright, I'll keep you updated then," Kenji said before parting ways.

Upon arriving home, they tidied up the lab and prepared for their breakfast.

Rhodler noted the emptiness of the refrigerator with a sigh. "There's no food in the ref," he lamented.

Clary, ever practical, offered, "I'll go buy some. What should I get?"

Rhodler waved a hand dismissively. "It's up to you. I'll handle the cooking."

Meanwhile, Kenji ventured to Dean's room, only to find it missing. Concern furrowed his brow as he approached Dean's nurse, who shook her head in confusion.

As Clary navigated the bustling streets on her market run, a sudden yank at her neck jolted her attention.

"Hey!" she exclaimed as she attempted to thwart the thief with her Sphion, but they vanished with her cherished necklace.

Kenji hastened back to the lab to relay the disconcerting news to Rhodler.

"Rhodler! Dean's missing from his room!" he exclaimed urgently.

Rhodler's eyes widened in alarm. "What?!"

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the sudden appearance of Dean.

"Hey, guys!" Dean greeted them casually, seemingly unaware of the commotion.

Kenji's incredulousness was palpable. "What?! Where did you come from?"

Rhodler, ever the voice of reason, addressed Dean with concern. "Hey, Dean, Kenji said you weren't in your room. Where were you?"

Dean shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, I just went to the market to buy chips. I was hungry."

Rhodler's disbelief was evident. "You just got back, and you went to buy that?"

"I was really hungry," Dean insisted with a sheepish grin.

Kenji, however, couldn't shake the nagging thought. "Wait, didn't you lose your hand? How did-"

Dean interrupted, sensing their confusion. "Oh, right. Sit down, I have something to tell you."

As they gathered around, Dean recounted the inexplicable events surrounding his hand's regeneration.

"Earlier, while I was reading a book, I suddenly felt a sensation as my hand started to regenerate slowly. Then, there was a green light as it healed. What was that?" he questioned, seeking answers from his companions.

Kenji pondered the revelation. "I can't say it's from the Asura Form, as it's not described in its details."

Their discussion was interrupted by a knock on the door, prompting Rhodler to open it.

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