Chapter 13

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I was stuck. Stuck in an unknown fae land, a prisoner of circumstances beyond my control. Every decision I had made in my life had been calculated, deliberate, but this one... this one was impulsive, driven by desperation and fear. And now, I was facing the consequences of my actions.

I was supposed to abide by an unknown man, a prince of an unknown kingdom. The feeling was suffocating me. I knew that I was supposed to hate him. Hate him for making my life miserable. But unfortunately I was being drawn towards him.

No man had ever touched me before, and the mere thought of physical contact had always filled me with unease. Yet, in spite of myself, I couldn't help but be captivated by Xaden's proximity, by the way his presence seemed to electrify the air around us. It was a sensation both exhilarating and terrifying, unfamiliar emotions swirling within me like a tempest.

And then there was Skyler, with his charming demeanor and magnetic aura. But Blizzard's offhand remark about his ability to ensnare women with his charm filled me with a sense of disgust. Was I nothing more than another conquest to him, another prize to be won?

An idea crossed my mind, "What if it turned out to be a Judas kiss?" But I instantly nudged the feeling off since I had no other option but to follow and obey Xaden. I needed to be free. And I had no idea where the passage to my world was. Blizz had no idea either. Or maybe he did not want me to know. Trusting someone, be it Blizzard, made me vulnerable.

"He's here." The voice woke me out of my thoughts. And within an instant, I was ready to move. I was ready with myself and my thoughts. I anyways had nothing else. I had not showered for days. I had been wearing the same gown too.

I was sure that ahead of me an adventure awaited me. I was excited within, but I had to look composed. I knew that it was real bad to think but maybe this new life, new environment was better than ever before. And once again I nudged off my feelings and thoughts. I couldn't feel that way. I had to be free and get back to my homeland but obviously not my home.

'Because once you taste the drug of freedom, there's no looking back'

I quickly descended the stairs. Blizzard was ahead showing me light through a lamp that was filled with fireflies.

As I descended the stairs, the soft glow of fireflies illuminated the path ahead, casting dancing shadows on the walls of the ancient tower. Blizzard led the way, his presence a reassuring beacon in the darkness that surrounded us.

At the foot of the stairs, my eyes fell upon Xaden, waiting patiently beside a majestic black horse. A white steed stood nearby, its graceful form bathed in moonlight. There was an air of quiet strength about Xaden as he surveyed his surroundings, his gaze lingering on me as I approached.

"Ready to embark on our journey, Princess?" he asked, his voice low and resonant in the stillness of the night.

I nodded, a faint smile playing at the corners of my lips. "As ready as I'll ever be," I replied, my voice tinged with anticipation.

With a graceful flourish, Xaden extended his hand towards me, a silent invitation to join him on this midnight ride. As I mounted the white horse, a thrill coursed through me, mingling with the cool night air and the scent of earth and pine.

With a gentle nudge of his heel, Xaden urged his horse into motion, and we set off into the night, our hooves pounding against the earth in rhythm with the beating of our hearts. As we galloped through the darkness, I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of Sylvaluna unfolding before me.

The moon cast its silvery glow over the landscape, illuminating the towering spires of the castle in the distance and painting the rolling hills in shades of silver and shadow. It was a sight to behold, a breathtaking panorama that spoke of ancient magic and untold mysteries.

As we rode, Xaden and I exchanged playful banter, our laughter mingling with the sound of hoofbeats and the rustle of leaves. In that moment, beneath the stars and the watchful gaze of the moon, I felt alive, free from the constraints of my past and the uncertainty of my future.

Our eyes met in silence as we sat astride our horses, Xaden's gaze meeting mine and mine with him. But he didn't say anything. Nor did I.

And we raced till we reached the castle.

And as we galloped towards the castle, our destinies intertwined, I knew that this midnight ride was just the beginning of a journey that would change everything.

(P.S. I loved the way he laughs)


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