Childhood with Heartbreak.

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May 1st 2008 4:20am South Carolina, Columbia.
A beautiful baby was brought into the world today, It's a baby girl! she's innocent, sweet, healthy and happy. We brought her home she has 3 older brothers, They adore her it's so heartwarming! Mother and father are so happy to have her and are so excited for this new journey.

Almost 2 years later..
Babygirl is almost 2! Father is being aggressive. Mommy is taking babygirl and brothers back to Canada to her moms, We're in Canada now at Granny's house! Babygirl is going to meet her big family here and she is thriving!

A year later.
Bug is 3 now time flies! Big brothers are in CAS now it's so hard for mommy.. Bug loves her family here and has so many people that already adore her! Why is life so beautiful sometimes but such a train wreck other times?

August 12th 2012
Bug is 4 and it's her first pow wow today! She's going to love her culture she already is so excited for it! She is best friends with her cousin and they are the cutest little duo!! Life is ok just missing older brothers.

October 31st 2013
Bug is 5 and she adores Halloween, Which is shocking. She loves getting candy with her cousin! She's so sweet and loving, A little clingy but it's worth it!

September 6th 2014
Bug is 6!! It's her first day of junior kindergarten and she looks so pretty with her little outfit! She's so sassy and stubborn just like mommy! She's really nervous for school but mommy knows she'll do great she has her cousin there.

April 26th 2015
Bug is almost 7. Her uncle didn't come home after fishing last night, We're so worried! We called 911 and we are looking for them, Bug is so sad and just wants her uncle back.

May 9th 2015
We found uncle.. He's gone forever mommy and granny have been sad and arguing with each other, Bug is so sad but has to be strong because uncle would want her to be.

June 17th 2016
It's been a year without uncle, Bug is 8 now. She isn't as happy and innocent anymore.. Mommy and granny are so heartbroken. Bug spend all her time at her cousins house, Kids have been cruel to her.

November 27th 2017
It's been 2 years. Bug is 9 now, She try's so hard to make everyone happy. Mom is trying really hard to stay strong for bug but it's really hard, Older brother N gets to stay for weekends now. Older brother B is still gone.

February 13th 2018
Bug is 10! She's officially a double-digit. It's been 3 years since uncle I think, It's hard to think properly. Mom is doing better gran is still sad.

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