S1: E8 Monster inside

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It has been a week since my Dad saved Billy and everything seems to have gone back to normal. Well normal for Austin. Of course, there were a few weird calls but that is the south for you. Right now I am double-checking some things in the ambulance while I wait for my dad to arrive at the firehouse after his latest appointment. For some reason, I am feeling optimistic about it.

"Ten dollars says your mood is going to sour in the next thirty minutes," Tim half jokes as I pass him some of the medications.

"The only thing that can ruin my mood is if I lose a patient," I responded. Before Tim has the chance to counter I hear something clicking on the concrete followed by the sound of barking. There is no way that my Dad got a dog. Tyler and I have been wanting a dog for ages. I quickly excuse myself as I am too curious. As I join the others I notice that my Dad has a giant Burmese mountain dog in tow. My Dad looks proud of his decision to get a dog.

"Everybody say hello to the newest member of the 126. Buttercup," My Dad announces. I join the others in patting the dog however I notice that Tyler is a little unsure. After some back and forth about what possessed Dad to get a dog Tyler excuses himself. I quickly chase after him.

"Tyler what's wrong? As soon as Dad came in with Buttercup you looked like the world was going to end," I begin the process of making sure he is alright.

"I don't know. I just have a feeling that something is going to go wrong...like with Buttercup," Tyler responds. I can tell that there is more to the story but I am not going to pressure him into telling me just yet. He needs to organise his feelings. After a few hours of socialising with Buttercup, we finally get a medical call. After ten minutes of driving, we pull up to a creepy-looking house. It reminds me of those houses that you see in horror movies. Thankfully it doesn't take long for us to grab what we need. We all tentatively approach the house. As soon as Michelle knocks on the door we are greeted by a timid-looking man.

"Oh thank goodness you're here. My name is Trevor. Come in, come in," Trevor gestures for us to come in. The first thing that I notice is the fact that it is just as creepy on the inside. I shake the feeling off as we are here to help not judge.

"Uh...Mother is upstairs," Trevor adds.

"Sir, were you with her when her symptoms started?" Michelle gets to work on figuring out what is going on.

"No, I came downstairs to make her dinner. Then when I got back her colour wasn't right and her countenance drooped more than usual," Trevor explains as he shows us upstairs. I find myself glancing at Tim as we follow Trevor. As soon as we enter the room our noses are hit by the smell of rotting flesh.

"Ok, She is dead," Tim whispers.

"Yep," I whisper back. Now for the interesting part.

"Mother, I want you to do what these people tell you to do. They are here to help," The man remarks to his mother. That is easier said than done. After getting to the reason for her symptoms Michelle turns to face Trevor.

"Trevor, can you sit down for me?" Michelle asks.

"What? Why? What's going on? Why aren't you guys helping her?" Trevor is starting to panic. I can't blame him. Being in a situation that will turn your life upside down as you know is not the best thing.

"Your mother is gone," Michelle announces.

"What does that mean? Gone?" Trevor prompts.

"She's passed away. Probably a few days ago by the looks of it," Michelle responds. After a few minutes of back and forth disaster strikes.

" Ok, nobody is calling anybody and no one is leaving here until she wakes up," Trevor announces as he draws a sword on us. After trying to reason with him I notice that Michelle has come up with a plan.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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