S1: E2 Yee-Haw

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It has been a few days since my first shift with the 126 and I am currently occupied with inventory. It turns out Tim and his previous colleague had a system that was a little different to the one that I had in New York. It is annoying me. I don't know why it is but it is.

"I am telling you Tim no matter how hard you try I am not going to warp my head around the way you organise things," I complain for what feels like the millition time. Don't get me wrong I have no intention of forcing my will on him but still. I am new.

"Oh please...You are being dramatic. Hey Cap, can you back me up? Piper thinks the system is weird," Tim turns his attention to Michelle as she joins us.

"Sorry, Tim but I'm with Piper on this one. It is about time you switched things up," Michelle responds. With that Tim begrudgingly accepts the fact that it is time for change. As we get to work on updating the system I notice Dad comes in with an exaggerated swagger. He seems way too happy. It is weird. It is as if everything has gone right with him today. It seems as if everyone else has noticed. I decided that I am going to ask what is going on.

"I see you have a little spring in your step, Dad," I announce as I intercept him.

"Yep. I'm feeling a little more at home in Austin. I found an organic food market. I also found a vitamin shop that sells the fish oil supplements that I like, and a core power yoga studio within walking distance. I mean this place is like New York but with a lot less trash on the street," Dad explains. There is definitely more to it. I catch myself glancing at Tyler. He just shrugs.

"Here you go cap," Mateo says as he offers my dad his standard cup of morning coffee. With a few swift movements, he trades his car keys for the cup of coffee. After giving Mateo the thumbs up I turn my attention back to rearranging the ambulance.

"Captain Strand seems unusually warm. Should we be worried?" Tim asks.

"Umm...I don't think so," I responded. It has been a while since I've seen my dad this happy. Before we have a chance to do anything else in regards to sorting the ambulance the signal bell goes. After what feels like an eternity we make it to the scene. It is a shopping complex with offices on the top level.

"Tim, Piper I want you two upstairs in case anyone else is injured," Michelle orders as she joins the firefighters. After three minutes we made it to the right office. Luckily for us, the officer from the car crash scene has got things under some level of control. I turn my attention to a man who is shaking. My first thought goes to a panic attack.

"Sir, can you tell me what happened?" I ask as I get to work on making sure that he is calm enough to get good vitals.

"I could tell Liza was nervous about the pitch tomorrow, but one minute she was fine. The next she was like someone from Bird Box," My patient confirms what happened to me and the police officer between fits of shivering.

"Bird Box?" The police officer is confused.

"Netflix? Tim only adds to the confusion.

"Sandra Bullock?" I add. To be honest, the only reason why I watched the film was so that Tyler would shut up. Unfortunately, Officer Reyes is not convinced. Anyway, we have work to do. We turn our attention back to our patients.

"JT to your knowledge was Lisa on any substances?" the police officer asks the obvious question.

"No, she was two years sober. She knew better than that," JT replies. With his response something in the back of my mind clicks. We are dealing with mercury poisoning AKA mad hatter's disease. I notice Tim glancing at another victim.

"Um officer," He gets Officer Reyes' attention as he explains the situation. After finally getting his attention he tries to stop a man that has lost it. I follow him as all hell breaks loose. More and more victims succumb to the craziness. We all scramble to prevent victims from jumping. Unfortunately, I am too late as one of the victims jumps. There is nothing that I can do for him so I turn my attention to saving as many people as I can. After what feels like an eternity we have everyone rounded up and as far away from the windows as possible.

Somewhere New (Yet another 911 Lone Star fic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat