I am back

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My babies .

How have you all been doing ? 💕 I hope you are all doing good .
Our wwh jinnie will be back . Hope all your dreams come true

Never ever regret for the past . Cause crying over them won't change a thing . We have to like overcome and to be gratitude that we have achieved still where we are .

Self appreciate  yourself . Cause no one will be there in your struggles . But for your success everyone will celebrate 🎊 . So struggling is fine , do and give your best .

And about my exam , I didn't quite do well . I did , but because of overconfidence I lose some marks . I regretted it . But now I am getting over it and trying to do something for my better future .

So don't ever regret something , that will stop you from doing something for your better future . Okay mah lovely berries . This is what I learnt .

Let's rock this year .

I will try to update as many chapters as possible . Be ready 😉 .........

-your dear author

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