Did you warned him ?

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The look from staff's face was so dirty and nasty . The staff was sexualising the way you were eating icecream . And it bothered a Jin a lot .

How can someone be like this ?

Eating icecream is being sexualised .

Jin clenched his jaw . He let out an exaggerated sigh , as he glared the staff . But the staff didn't notice . He was too busy staring at you .

Jin : Hello Mr.

The staff didn't even bother to respond .

Jin read the name , so your name is fret . Hmm

Jin : Mr.Fret , eyes up .

Fret : huh . What you want ?

He asked in a rude tone . Jin just poked his inner cheeks with his tongue .

Jin : well . Are you really a man ?

Fret : what ? Like c'mon dude . Isn't it obvious !?

Jin : hmm . Then you must be not a gentleman .

Fret : what the fuck you want !

Jin : got a girlfriend ?

Fret : well . Why should I have to tell you ? The purpose ! Fuck off man .

He answered as he tried to push Jin out of way to glance at you .

Jin : just tell me what's so sexualising about a girl eating icecream .

Fret : oh you are a man you know it . We men need some needs. And girl like her . See damn . She is purposely doing it so that some random guy can get into her pants.

Jin : get into her pants. Wow. So you are saying if a girl eats icecream clumsily . She is inviting men huh

Fret : not clumsily but purposely making icecream melt into their hands and licking them off . So yeah sure .

Jin : and I feel like you are inviting your dead bed soon . Hmm

Jin replied so calmly but you can sense the evil and anger in the tone .

There is nothing here that I can teach him . He will change only when I get him in my own way

He smirked when he saw fret's confused face . Jin's eyes screamed demon .

Fret : sorry man couldn't get you .

Jin didn't answer instead he walked towards you .

Jin's expression changed in millisecond when he turned around and looked at you.

His demonic face expression changed into eyes filled with adoration , a soft smile on his face .

You completed your icecream as Jin wipes your mouth , lips with tissues and scooped you up .

Fret's eyes widened , not because of Jin scooping you up but when fret noticed the tattoo in jin's neck .

Fret's breath got stuck in his nose . He felt like someone is choking him . Shit . He knew at this moment that he fucked up . He started to sweat profusely . He messed up with a fucking ruthless demon .

When jin's eyes met fret's , immediately fret's gaze went down . Jin smirked .

Jin made his way out with you in his arms towards car .

Fret immediately ran behind you both . He has heard many rumours about them , but haven't seen them and now he understands when his frnds were talking about the mafias .

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