How are you kitten ?

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Jk : don't worry come

He said as he opened his arms open as u went to him and hugged his arms around his neck as he picked u up and entered the elevator .

You started at the interior with amuzing eyes .you all eight filled the elevator as the other person aka stranger thought about entering the room but saw that all seven just filled the place so he sighed and moved on .

Hobi pressed the floor where u can buy little things and dresses , and supplies .

He pressed the floor 4 . But u being u stared and also pressed the floor 2 .

Ah kiddo Joon called out as u smiled .

When the elevator started to move u were making a "wheeeeeee" sound while others all smiled at ur antics .

You guys could hear another ding sound " we are on second floor now " said the robotic voice . As u gasped .

' This can speak ', you asked .and u heard chorus of yes as u smiled through ur mask .

It reached fourth floor before robotic voice u spoke up .

" We are now on uhmmmm"
U think .....

Joon : fourth

You : yeah

' we are now on fourth floor' you spoke minimally mimicking the robotic voice .

Everyone chuckled at ur silliness .

As you all exited , you struggled in jk's arm as he let u down .

You gasped at the sight . You saw a soft toys showroom and saw a plushie and remembered about your bubba one .

I have to find a friendieee for my bubba

You were about to run off but maybe jimin reading ur mind but seeing the sparks in ur eyes he understood u are just gonna run off to the showroom .

So before u can , jimin held ur hands in his , as u stared at him .

U : I wanna go there

U said while pointing to the showroom .

Jin : then let's go .

Jimin : but hyung first we shall go to buy clothes for her and funr__

He was abruptly cutted by

Jin : no !!

He said firmly

Jin : what my woman wants she gets ?!? So first to plushie shop

He said so sternly making jimin shut up . He felt his authority as being the eldest .

U : but I am a girl

U blurted out ....

Jin then turned red , no one couldn't see his cheeks blush cause of his mask but his ears surely got tomato red .

Jin : w.wwe shall ju..just go

He stutterd ..

So u all entered the plushie shop . U were in awweeeii , you squealed out .

joon , suga ,tae and jimin went to do furnitures shop even though the purchase is for you but they still want to surprise u thus the four went to purchase for furnitures .

Meanwhile you , jk , hobi and Jin were roaming in the plushie shop . And to buy little supplies .

You grabbed each and every plushie u found cute .

But I have to get bubba olny one frndieeee , yup !!

You thought as u got only one plushie which was a dinosaur.

Jk, Jin and hobi who was following you flinched when u suddenly shouted
'Rawwwr' imitiating dinosaur as u plooped the plushie infront of their face .

Then jk started to mock dinosaur by bending a Lil down and putting two hands front as he also made rawr sound .

Jin and hobi just laughed

.he is still a baby ! Just like before !!

Then u guys also a bought pacifiers , and many little supplies .

Without ur knowing , to surprise you they also bought tea sets , fishing games and etc ....

You all four reached the counter as hobi was making the bill done .

Jin reached message from namjoon telling that to reach canteen in few minutes .

You were with jk and Jin .

Jin was sitting and beside him jk was there and u were standing in between his legs as he was playing with ur hair while u were watching what Jin was typing in his phone curiously .

Jin looked at u as u diverted your gaze while he just chuckled .

Again u got busy staring at the room then suddenly your eyes met with someone's eyes whom u never wanted to meet in ur life .

Your breathing started to be unsteady . You felt like the room's temperature started to increase as u started to sweat . Memories just memories were flashing here and there .

Jk suddenly noticed the coldness of your palm when he wanted to wear his ring on u wanting to know how small sized ur fingers really are !!

That someone smiled at u more like a creepy one as he started to take steps towards u making you to hold jk's hand tighter , clutching his hands he started to climp up to his lap .

Jk was confused but took you in his arms and placed u on his lap while he hugged u as u hugged him back too

Jin noticed and was stroking ur hair gently and was about to ask but

That someone was already now infront of u and u noticed it when u looked at the person whether he is gone or not .

Long time , how are u kitten ? Someone asked as u shivered and clutched jk tight .


Beauty provokes harassment, the law says, but it looks through men's eyes when deciding what provokes it.


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