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It took some bit of time to help him understand that he was not a child anymore, but you were able to get him to. You even had to tell him that the robot body he possessed was for an animatronic named Cosmo. The robot was supposed to be the Daycare Attendant before Sun and Moon but they ended up scraping the idea. (Cosmo is my Security Breach OC and that is the lore I have behind him. Since that is the Bot's name, Arty will be referred as Cosmo. If you wish to keep calling Arty, feel free to 😁)

Unfortunately, Moon hasn't even told him about Sun yet. He doesn't want to put Cosmo in any more distress after learning he's an animatronic. He'd want to keep it that way until Sun comes back. But you all didn't know when that would be. It's been a total of 6 months without Sun and Eclipse. You and Moon just hoped Eugene didn't have to restart. Luckily the Daycare closed, surprisingly early, at 5 pm that day. So like the days before, Moon stayed in his room. Lunar was out the whole day so it gave Moon the break he needed, yet he wanted more. He wanted Sun back. But he needed to be patient.

"When will you finish Sun, Eugene," Moon asked aloud as if talking to the employee. Hoping that he would respond, but how could he when he wasn't there, Moon's expression angers as his oil-like tears bled his eyes.

"WHEN WILL YOU FINISH HIM?! TELL ME," Moon yelled as he stood and pressed his back against a wall.

"I CAN'T..I can't take it anymore. I need my brother," Moon continued as he fell to his knees. Coming back to a stand, he hears Vanessa, David and Eugene. But that couldn't be right. Vanessa and David are both put away. So how could he hear them? Turning around to the voices, he sees them. The three were just standing there and laughing. Moon wasn't sure what was going on. Why were they there? Why were they? Unless it was to provoke him and tease him about Sun. Moon looked at Vanessa first. She was the one who put the virus in him. She controlled him. She made him her puppet.

He wanted to give her a taste of her own medicine. He wanted to show her the monster she made. Without thinking, Moon throws his left hand towards her neck, hoping to grab hold. Unfortunately, his hand went straight through and collided with the wall. What? What's going on? Bringing his hand back, he can see it had dented a bit. That didn't bother him. Looking at David next, Moon didn't hesitate to throw a hand at David's neck. Same thing except this time, the metal on his hand shattered when it collided with the wall. From this, his face just expressed pain.

Dragging his hand back, he looks at it as his tears began to stain his faceplate. Looking back at the wall, he can see a small hole with cracks webbing out from it. Still hearing one more set of laughter, Moon turns his head slowly towards it. There he soon sees Eugene. Moon's eyes just completely turned red. He never thought he'd hear it. Eugene promised that he'd fix Sun so hearing him laugh the way he was, made Moon's oil boil.

He knew what he wanted to do. He didn't care if it would hurt. He brought his right hand back and soon threw it right at Eugene's head. Just like the other two, his hand went straight through and ended up punching a hole through the wall. Tightly shutting his eyes at the pain, he slowly brings his hand back.

"Moony," he heard but it seemed muffled. After hearing the first clash, you made your way up to the room. You were scared for the bot. He's never been like this before. Barging through the door, Moon turns his head towards you and you're just concerned.

"S-Starshine," Moon began. His tears seemed to increase and really stained his faceplate. Your expression softening, you walk towards him.

"I-I," Moon squeaked.

"It's alright. It's alright,' you begin as you shush the bot trying to calm him once you get to him. Bringing his hands up to you to show what he's done, you grab his faceplate. 'I'll fix you alright. Can you tell me what happened?"

"I-I don't," he began. Shushing him more, more of his tears stream from his eyes. Wiping the oil away, you bring his head down and rest it atop yours.

"It's alright. Take as much time as you need. I'm here if you need to talk," you reply. Trying to stay calm, sobs are heard from the bot. Just as you look at him, Moon shrinks to the floor. Going down with him, you wrap your arms around him. By this point, he was completely crying in your embrace.

"I couldn't," he began. What was he saying?

"I wasn't. I didn't," Moon continued. He made no sense and you were more concerned for him. Trying to calm him again, you shush him for a bit. Probably about 35 minutes.

"I," Moon squeaked through his oily tears. You didn't know what to do for the bot. This is the longest he has been without Sun. This is the longest you've been without Sun.

"I MISS MY BROTHER," Moon yelled through his tears. Rubbing his back, you couldn't help but allow your own tears fall.

"Me too Moony. Me too," you reply. Hearing his cries filled you with complete anguish. He's never been like this before. As a matter of fact, he's NEVER cried like this.

"Moondrop," you heard from behind. Bringing your head up and turning it, you see Cosmo standing in the doorway and he just looks extremely concerned. You didn't say anything. You just..turned your head back towards Moon and continued to comfort Moon to the best of your ability. Walking towards you both, Cosmo is worried for his tall bot friend. Lunar, feeling what Moon feels, senses something new enter the daycare. Eclipse? Sunny?


Hey everyone. Sooo yeah.. Moon has a breakdown. I guess you could say I was inspired by The Sun and Moon Show video titled 'Moon's BREAKDOWN! in VRCHAT'
Will we see Sun and Eclipse soon? Next chapter maybe? Two chapters from now? Only time will tell 🤪

See you all soon

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