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Moon in a better mood, plays games with the children. Sun with some kids at the arts and crafts tables, you notice that it's almost Naptime. Calling out to the bots, they get everything prepared. Moon stayed with the kids and Sun walked around the Daycare cleaning things up. You turn out the lights just before Moon begins Naptime procedures.

It didn't take long for the kids to fall asleep and once they were all fully asleep, Moon stayed by them. His eyes might have glitched a bit but it didn't bother him. As long as he was making sure the children were safe. You looked at him and smiled. You soon turned your head towards Sun and kept your smile but something felt...off. You began to make your way to the bot, calling his name but, he wasn't answering. Moon acknowledged this and looked towards Sun. Don't tell me he's going through it too. But I think I changed because of the virus. He doesn't have one. So, what would make Sun just...stop?

"Sunny," you continue. Just like the other times. No answer. You turn towards Moon to see if he can help figure this behavior out but he just shrugs. Continuing your little walk to Sun, you soon reach him. Calling his name once more, still nothing. You reach towards him but once you make contact with him, his head spins towards you with little rays sprouted from behind the big ones and his fingertips sharper like claws. You take a few steps back and you are scared. Not for yourself but the bot. His expression read fear but more of anger and rage. He began scanning you but something was telling him that you are unknown to him and a threat. Turning further towards you in a sluggish way, he brings his right arm up over his head and his fingers somewhat glistened. Understanding that he normally stays with the children during this time, Moon springs up and runs towards the two of you.

"Sunny," you continue, hoping to get through to the bot. He doesn't stop. His arm still raised, Moon almost to you. Once he does reach you two, he jumps at Sun and the two of them fall to the ground. Moon holds Sun in place but Sun squirms.

Moon: Sunshine. Snap out of it.

Sun: He-help me Nightlight. I don't know what's happening.

Moon: Just calm down. Y/N is not going to hurt you. They would NEVER bring harm to you.

The squirming coming to a stand still, you can see the little sun rays disappearing behind his face plating and his fingers 'molding' back to normal. Getting off him, Moon allows Sun to get up. Coming to a sit, Sun's rays begin to shrink into his head plate in 'embarrassment' and fear of himself. He's never wanted to hurt anyone. Even a staff member. So, why would he instantly want to hurt you?

Lunar Eclipse (Sun and Moon x reader)Where stories live. Discover now