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One month since Arty's passing, Lunar and Eclipse have started getting bodies. You were hoping they'd meet Arty but fate had a change of plans. Along with their duties, Sun and Moon have done whatever they could to make you happy again. But no matter what they did, you still couldn't get out of your little funk. You promised to give Arty a wonderful life. Maybe you already did. You'd never know.

"Come on. Come on 'Lunar.' Just one little movement," Eugene began as he worked on a new endo. Nothing so far. Frustrated at this, Eugene goes back to the blueprints. Scanning through them to see what else he has to do, something grabs his attention. Pushing his glasses further towards his eyes, he can see why Lunar's endo was not mobile. Of course. How could I have missed that?

Grabbing what he needed, and looking back at the blueprint, he worked on the small, fun sized  4 '4 endo. Peeking around a corner, an animatronic that has been terminated for quite some time. Never truly finished. So how was it moving? (What is the lore behind FNAF? What makes the bots move?)

Waiting for an update, you watch the two tall bots as they play with the children. You do tend to smile a bit and soon get a ping on your phone. Peeking down towards your pocket, you tap the screen and see a message from Eugene. Lunar's endo is in working order. Just need to add the fingers then the endo itself will be complete. It may be another month until I can work on the body but I promise to get this done.

Getting rid of the notification, you scroll through the monitors. Sundrop Maintenance check in 14 hours. Every month. His monthly maintenance checks. Moon would be alone. You didn't know if you were gonna leave him like the last couple of times or do the check in the Daycare. Probably the best idea while Vanessa is still at large and the reason Moon has the virus.

"Hey Sunny,' you begin, hoping to get the bots' attention. You do and he turned to look at you. 'You know how we leave the Daycare for your checks right? I think we should do this next one here." Smiling towards you as he agrees, he turns back towards the kids.

Luckily, it would be a Saturday next so the Daycare was closed but as always, you come on in to tidy things up if needed. Hopefully, the maintenance check wouldn't take as long as last month.

Lunar Eclipse (Sun and Moon x reader)Where stories live. Discover now