Chapter Two: Ron

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'Why this island?', Ron wondered as he trailed behind the line of students boarding the school bus. The bus would take them to the port, where a ship awaited their arrival.

Ron was one of the intelligent students in his class, though he didn't look like it. He had dark hair, just like his eyes, always hung down in loose, uneven layers around his face. The dark strands framed his intense eyes, adding to his air of mystery and unpredictability. His unkempt style showed his complex and calculating nature.

The students of Unison High school, including Ron, had participated in the Mega High School Tournament. It was a tournament where many games, both indoor and outdoor, are played by students from different schools, and the school which has the highest points win. The tournament included 28 schools and the first prize, a trip to anywhere of their choosing, was shared by Unison and another school named Saints high School

Both the schools came to an agreement to go to an island which was far away from any land. It would take atleast 3 days, even from the closest land, to get there, and for them, it will take nearly a week.

The students from the other school would meet them at the port. Ron had seen how highly competitive the Saints school's students were, so he wasn't surprised they also won the first prize.

Ron was one of the trump cards his school had during the tournament. He always liked and was good at games which used his brain power and so he played Chess and a card game in the tournament.

He won most of them easily during the first levels but as he moved forward he came face-to-face with Bellamy, one of the best of Saints high school. The only time Ron hesitated was when he played against Bellamy, he even lost in some of the rounds against Bellamy.

Ron had more of a calm and quiet personality whereas Bellamy had more rage and aggressive nature. Ron thought of him as a perfect rival, a worthy opponent to test his own abilities. Not only Ron, but he heard some of his classmates who participated in the tournament say that they had the most trouble with the students from Saints high school. 'Real competitors' others had told Ron, about the Saints High's students, after the tournament.

Ever since the tournament, Ron found the Saints school's students interesting, and he was looking forward to meeting them outside games and competitions.

"Hey, are you daydreaming, or just trying to hold up the line?" Said Zane, Ron's best friend, from behind.

Ron blinked, realizing he had been lost in thought and the line ahead had cleared. "Sorry" Ron said, stepping forward, though he was grateful for Zane's interruption; it snapped him out of his daydream.

Zane gave him a curious look. "What were you thinking about?" he asked. Ron shook his head, trying to brush it off. "Nothing important," he muttered, making his way onto the bus.

Zane was Ron's only best friend. Before he met Zane, Ron liked to keep to himself most of the time, but Zane's energetic and cool attitude drew him in.

Zane liked to talk most of the time, but it would never be overbearing and all of his classmates liked him, except for one, who Loved him, his girlfriend, Sia. She was brave, bold and had an independent nature. She and Zane were much alike.

After entering the bus, Ron and Zane took a quick scan inside and saw two seats unoccupied on their left side. After placing their bags under the seat and in the overhead compartment, Ron sat in the window seat while Zane took the seat beside him.

The two reasons that Ron took this trip were: One, Zane wouldn't take 'no' for an answer, so Ron found himself on the bus whether he wanted to go or not, and Two, Eva. Although Ron didn't have a girlfriend, he had received a few proposals, but he rejected them all because he was only interested in Eva. When he found out Eva was taking this trip, he figured it would give him a chance to spend some time with her

As Ron thought about Eva, he lifted his head and scanned the bus, hoping to spot her. He didn't see any sign of her at first, but after a moment, she appeared, slowly entering the bus behind Steve. Ron had always disliked Steve for his over-the-top behavior and constant flirting, and he was concerned about Steve's intentions with Eva.

As he watched, he realized Eva wasn't just behind Steve-she was with him. This made Ron clench his fist in frustration, wanting to confront Steve for chatting and laughing with Eva as they made their way to their seats. However, Ron knew violence wasn't his way.

Then, he caught Eva's eye for a moment. Just as he wondered if she had been looking at him, her gaze shifted away. Ron's fist relaxed, he looked down at his shoes and a faint smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"What are you smiling at, Romeo?" Zane laughed.

Ron, realizing Zane had been watching him the whole time, sat up straight and replied with a smile, 'Shut up.' Then he leaned back in his seat and gazed out the window, slowly falling asleep.

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