The raid..

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You woke up in the middle of the night to hear shouting, screaming and goat calls. You get up quickly and peek out the door to see a raid happening... You put armour on and grab your sword before running out. Two pillagers spot you and start shooting arrows at you as you try to fight both of them. You see Philza again but with two other people, one has blonde hair and is in his teens, and the second one has pink hair and seems to be at least 20 or 19. Phil sees you fighting the pillagers until you fall down unconscious. He runs over to you and picks you up before looking over at the other two and shouting. "Come on were going hurry!" He begins to run as the boys follow behind him.

A hour or two later you wake up and try to look around but can't because of the migraine you got. Phil walks over and stands at the door before speaking. "Looks like your awake.." He sighs before speaking again. "You'll be fine, we're gonna help ya" He walks over to you and looks down. You take a deep breath trying to think until you speak up "How are you gonna help me?" You raise a eyebrow slightly but do trust him a bit from saving you from death. He shrugs "Eh, well help with your wounds or anything you need so don't worry."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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