Meeting The Godfather

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Gaster can be seen talking on the phone as he rushes around getting everything tidy. In the back glared at her father as he had just recently called her little moon. Sans grabs a teddy bear and throws it at her father but misses. "Hey, now little moon don't throw stuff at me while I am cleaning." Gaster said. Papyrus who was asleep next to Sans woke up and whined at the loss of the pillow aka the bear. When Sans hears that she turns to Papyrus and hugs him for taking his pillow.

Just then there was a loud knock at the door which Gaster quickly went to open. "Hello old friend do you mind letting me in it is the storm is starting to turn into a blizzard out here" ??? said. "Of course not, come inside." Gaster said opening the door wider.

Time Skip 10 years later Sanspov

'Who would have thought that the king would be are godfather and that he would faint when Dad told him I am a girl' I thought snickering at that memory as I was drawing. 'Or for the fact I was ordered the disguise as a male by the king.' I hummed as I finished the final detail of the Phoenix before grabbing my watercolors. As I started to color it in a hand grabbed my shoulder scarring me. "AHHHH" I yelled out in fright before I heard laughter behind me. I quickly turn around to see Papyrus. "Papyrus what are you doing?" I asked menacingly as I realized he made me mess up my painting by accident.

"Um, Sans I am sorry" He started as he slowly backed up as I gently set my art supplies down. "Too late for that Papyrus," I said as he seemed to get paler which should have been impossible. I would have been impressed if I was not so mad. "I will give you a 30-second head start get running," I told him as I summoned a bone attack. He gulped and started to run before I even finished my sentence. "1 2-...-30" I counted down slowly to give him a little more time. Before I took off in a full-on sprint to where I saw him run off towards. "COME BACK HERE YOU COWARD!!!!!" I said in a demonic voice as I chased him throughout the house. I was throwing bones at him as he kept dogging them until we both were floating in the air.

"Sans, why are you chasing your brother and throwing bone attacks at him? And, Papyrus what did you do to get Sans this mad at you?" Dad asked us as he placed us far away from each other. "He scared me and made me mess up the painting I was working on!!" I exclaim pointing at Papyrus.

(A/N: Hey sorry for such a long wait to update I had another idea for a book that is going to be Minecraft and I was making characters for it as a little break for this cause half way through on making this chapter I had writers block}

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