Death of One Life

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"Ring Ring Ring" As the phone went off a hand came out of the blanket blindly reaching out for it until it grabbed it and pulled it under the cover. After a few seconds, a voice is heard throughout the apartment "SHIT I AM GOING TO BE LATE!!!!" can be heard from a young adult woman who swiftly gets up and ready. "Man I hope Chirs won't be mad at me," the woman said before brushing her teeth. "But then again I was putting on the final touches of our costumes last night for the comic convention today" she mutters as she quickly rises out her mouth and starts to brush her hair.

She quickly gets dressed puts her shoes on and grabs the costumes before running to the bus stop to catch a bus. "Man, what time is it?" looks at her watch and sees it is two hours earlier them what her phone says. "What? That can't be right– Oh yeah I changed the time on my phone so I would get up early" She then remembers as she grabs her phone and changes the time back. "Hmm I should have time to grab a coffee and a muffin from the coffee shop nearby here," She says as she walks to the shop and gets in line. She pulls out her phone and starts to scroll on TicTok after she puts on her headphones and connects them to her phone. After a few minutes, it was her turn to order "Um I like a mocha cookie crumble with a strawberry muffin please" She ordered. "That will be $20.98 in total and what name is the order under?" the cashier replied. "It will be under Alice" Alice replied as she paid and went to sit down at a table until her order was done.

After 5 minutes her name was called she got up grabbed her things got her order and went back to the bus stop just as the bus pulled up. "Huh? What a coincidence?" Alice chuckled to herself as she got on and paid for the bus ride. She quickly takes off her headphones so she will be able to hear clearly and starts to eat her muffin. The bus arrives at her stop just as she finishes her muffin so she gets up walks off and starts to head to where Chirs lives. She sips her coffee as she knocks on the door and waits for it to open.

Chris opens the door and looks at her in surprise that she is here early. "Wow, miracles do happen cause you here early." He exclaims in surprise as he opens the door wider to let her in. "Oh shut up you idiot I set the time on my phone two hours ahead so I would wake up on time" Alice exclaims while shoving the customs to his chest for him to take as she walks in.

Time skip Alicepov

Tugs at the vest of the costume "Man I did good on these, oh, and thanks for matching me Chris, and being the Papyrus of my AU while I be Sans" I said while looking up at him and checking over our customs and fixing things as needed. "It is nothing Alice or should I call you Sans since we're in customs?" He asked me while thinking. "Heh just call me Alice unless someone asks us to do a scene for our characters," I told him as I finished fixing the customs. "Alright then let's go," He told me as we both grabbed our passes and headed to his car to leave.

We sang along to random songs on our way to the comic convention just enjoying the ride there. When we arrived we put on our passes as Chirs parked the car and walked to the entrance. "Man I am so excited to be here and dressed up for it for once," Chirs told me as we entered the building. "Man, you look like a kid in a candy store right now," I laugh at him while poking him lightly. "H-hey stop that will you," He says blushing from embarrassment and trying to stop me from poking him. "Alright alright I will stop making fun of you," I told him with a light smile on my face.

We walked around and acted like our characters after I gave people who asked an explanation of my AU and stuff. "I had fun today," I said as I carried a Sans plushie. "Same here" Chirs replied while carrying a Papyrus plushie. As we were walking to the car I heard someone walking no they were running towards us so I pushed Chirs away from me just as I felt a burning pain in my back. I turned around and what was in my back got ripped out by our attacker and they rushed at me again. I dodge under their arm as they attempt to stab me again. I grabbed their arm as it passed over my head and disarmed them before throwing them over my shoulder.

As they landed on their back they got the wind knocked out of them. "Quick get me some zip-tie Chirs!!!" I yelled at him as I sat on the attacker's back holding their arms tightly. He runs to the car quickly and brings me the zip-ties I then quickly bound their arms and legs together as Chirs calls the police. "Hey Chirs I feel dizzy," I told him as I got off the attacker's back I stumbled before falling. "ALICE!!" I hear Chirs yell before mentioning something about an ambulance. "Hey, hey stay with me Alice" I hear him say as I feel him pick me up and hold me as he puts pressure on the wound. I lift my hand and wipe away his tears "Hey it is ok Chirs" I told him as my voice cracked. "No, no, stay with me Alice help will be here soon" He called out to me in despair. "Chirs both you and I know that it will be too late I can tell he cut a major artery I am losing too much blood for it to be a simple stab wound," I told him as my voice went weak."You know you were always like a brother to me," I told him before my vision went dark.

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