Chapter 1 I sing about broken hearts, you fix them

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A/N: is something different that I've been working on. I've become obsessed with the show Chicago Med and particularly the Cajun dreamboat known as Crockett Marcel xD I hope you guys are into something different. I'm just thrilled to have been able to write SOMETHING while going through a huge depressive episode. I hope y'all enjoy. Please let me know <3 also enjoy the little music in me easter egg I threw in there xD

 Please let me know <3 also enjoy the little music in me easter egg I threw in there xD

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Dr. Crockett Marcel pressed his forehead against the cool metal of his locker. His jaw was clenched and his fist was balled. Today had been especially hard for him, he made the wrong choice, and got a teenage patient to agree that surgery was his best option only to have the young boy die on the table halfway through the surgery. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. Jack Daytons 2.0 AI system was supposed to assist without flaws, but it had truly failed him today, just as he felt he failed that boy, and his parents by guaranteeing them that surgery was his best bet.

The door to the staff lounge squeaked open, followed by an exhausted grunt from a coworker.
Crocket adjusted himself and turned his head to face his coworker, Will Halstead. Will made eye contact with Crockett and frowned.
"I feel bad even groaning in despair compared to the day you had. I heard about Jason. It was a tough call to make. Don't let it get to you." Will said.
"That boy could have walked out of here within a week had I not convinced him that surgery was the best approach." Crockett said and shook his head.
"And it would have been, had 2.0 not malfunctioned, its a new system its bound to have its flaws. I'm really sorry that what happened, happened but it isn't your fault." Will said.
"Unfortunately I just don't see it that way." Crockett said and started walking out.

"Hey wait." Will said. "A bunch of us are going to Mollys, this really popular singer on youtube is supposed to be there tonight, I think she's from Louisiana or something, Hannah thinks shes really good." Will shrugged. "Why don't you come out with us? Get a few drinks to take your mind off of things."
"I don't know. It's been a long day, I'm exhausted." Crockett sighed.
"All the more reason to come out. Just stay for a couple songs, and if she's no good and you still want to go home I won't protest." Will said.
"What is your real motive for me coming out with you tonight?" Crockett asked. "Because after and I haven't exactly been good friends." Crockett raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

Will sighed. "I honestly thought we were past that. I don't have an ulterior motive here, I just see a coworker having a rough night and wanted to invite him to come out and loosen up a bit. Besides that new nurse you've been oogling is going." Will winked.
Crockett shook his head and took a deep breath.
"Fine, I'll go. But let me make one thing clear to you. I don't oogle. Anyone." Crockett said.

Will chuckled.

"Whatever you say."


When Crockett parked his car in the parking lot of Mollys, he noticed people where crowding around an old motorcycle taking pictures. He got out of his car, and approached Will who was among the crowd admiring the motorcycle.
"Look at that bike man." Will said. Crockett looked at the bike, it was an old 1970s Harley that had been fixed up. He knew this bike. He knew it well. He couldn't help but crack a smile as a memory began playing in his head like a movie.

It was hot, one of the hottest summers Crockett could remember experiencing in his youth. He pulled up into the driveway of the town Preacher Benoit Boudreaux. Those close to him called him Ben, or Benny. Being that Crockett was just a teenager, he called him Mr. Boudreaux, but the Preacher wasn't who he was here to see. It was his daughter. Crockett got out of his car and walked up the drive. The garage door was wide open, there was an old black Harley Davidson in the driveway that looked like it could fall apart if the wind hit it just right. Crockett raised an eyebrow.

"Hey Crock."
Crockett looked up. There she was, Veronica Boudreaux, her long dirty blonde hair was braided on one side, she wore a backwards baseball cap that she had stolen from him their freshman year. She wore a white tee shirt that was stained to the Gods with oil and grease, her blue jean overall shorts that were only buttoned on one side were in the same condition. She wore black combat boots that she always wore, and if her mama would have let her, she'd be wearing them with her Sunday dresses at church. She smiled at him, flashing her pearly whites. She wiggled her black grease-stained fingers at him.

"What's this?" Crockett gestured to the motorcycle.
"Uncle Xavier brought it to me this morning. He said he was just going to sell it for scrap metal but told me if I could fix it up I could keep it." She grinned.
"This is going to take some serious work Ronnie. Does it even run?" Crockett asked.
"At the moment, no. But by the end of summer, she will."
Crockett chuckled.
"What's your mama think of this?" He asked.
Ronnie cringed.
"She aint happy about it. Dads been trying to calm her down all morning, but he isn't exactly happy with it either." She said with a smirk. "They're both ready to tear Uncle Xaiver a new one, but..just look at her." Ronnie grinned looking at the motorcycle.
"I'm afraid to look too hard or it might turn to dust. How old is this thing?" Crockett asked.
"Its only from the early 70s, it just hasn't been kept in the greatest condition. But we can fix it."
"Oh We?" Crockett asked.
"Yeah, We. Grab a wrench." Ronnie smirked.

They had worked well into the afternoon on the bike. The door inside the garage opened.
"Veronica come on inside out of this heat for a while. Oh! Hello Crockett, would you like to come in for some lunch?"
"Yes Ma'am." Crockett answered.
"Ah come on Mama can't you see we are busy?" Ronnie asked. Crockett cringed. Dorothy, "Dotty" Boudreaux was a kind natured woman, but like any other mother she did not like her authority to be questioned and just like his mother, all she had to do was give a look which usually meant fix your attitude before I fix it for you.
Ronnie looked up at her mother and sighed and tossed the grease-stained towel on the ground.
"You two are a mess. Wash up before coming to the table." Dotty said.
"Yes Ma'am." Ronnie muttered and waited for her mom to walk inside before making a face at her.
"One of these days you are going to push that woman too far and end up at the bottom of the swamp." Crockett said.
"Some Days I'd rather fight a Gator than fight with her." Ronnie smirked and wiped the sweat off of her forehead with the back of her hand, leaving a large grease stain across her forehead.
"You got a little something there on your forehead." Crockett chuckled. Ronnie grinned at him and wiped her hand on his cheek.
"Hey!" Crockett groaned as Ronnie laughed and ran inside.

"Earth to Crockett." Will said, waving a hand in front of his face. Crockett blinked and looked around at the crowd moving towards the door.
"Thought I lost you for a second." Will chuckled. "I didn't realize you were a motorcycle guy."
He wasn't that much, after seeing many a trauma come into the hospital from motorcycle accidents it kind of swayed him away from the idea of it, but Ronnie was known to be a little adrenaline junkie.
"You said this singer was from Louisiana?" Crockett asked.
"Yeah. I think her name is Ronda or something. Hannah likes to listen to some of her covers on youtube."
"It's Ronnie." Crockett corrected.
"Oh you know her?" Will asked as they walked to the door. "Small world."
"Smaller than you'd think." Crockett smirked as he looked at the poster on the door. Ronnie looked pretty much the same as the last time he'd seen her right before he left for Chicago, Same Messy blonde hair, leather jacket, and deceivingly sweet smile.

Crockett, Will, Hannah, and a couple of the other doctors from Med all sat at a table together as Ronnie walked out onto the stage with the same acoustic guitar she had since she began lessons when they were just kids.It was obvious she had some fans in the bar as there were people cheering and hootin and hollerin. She sat down on the stool, and lowered the mic so she could speak into it.

She smiled at the crowd of people by the stage that were cheering.
"Thanks Ya'll. I appreciate it." She said. Her voice left goosebumps on Crockett's arms; he hadn't heard it in so long.
"So anyways, I'm Ronnie. For those of you who don't know me from YouTube, I'm from New Orleans and this is my 4th stop on this little tour I'm doing. The further North I get; I worry that my southern rock style won't be everyone's cup of tea. But it's nice to know I have some people here already that will enjoy the show." She chuckled.

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