Met Gala// Lewis Hamilton

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Prompt: "I'll see you inside Lewis"


Lewis shifted positions as the cameras surrounding him continued to take a hundred different photos from different angles. While the flashing lights and loud shouts seemed anything but calming, being here felt like a fresh breath away from the race he just had down in Miami.

A palette cleanser, is what Lewis called it.

He changed his pose again but as his eyes softer across the carpet, his brown eyes landed on the latest celebrity to show up. In a daze he watched her pick up the sides of her gown, the iridescent material seemed to glow under the lighting of the met gala.

The soft pink and blue fabric fell from the delicate lace bodice, the layers of tulle created a dreamy look that set her apart from the mainly dark color schemes everyone else had seemed to lean towards.

Lewis was completely transfixed on the newest arrival. From the way the fitted bodice with a defined sweetheart neckline accentuated your curse to the way the almost angel like aura that followed you where you stepped.

He hadn't realized he was staring until his name was called for another picture. He tried to shift his gaze but it only fell on you again as you began to pose for the different cameras. He's say you played to your good side but he couldn't find a bad side about you. You seemed to be a natural in front of the camera, positioning yourself in a way that took the attention of everyone.

Your presence captivated him in a way he couldn't describe, so it was almost instinctual that he began to walk the wrong way of the carpet to introduce himself.

Your eyes caught his just as he stepped up to say hello. But before he could utter a word, your smiled softly.

"I thought the rumors weren't true that the Lewis Hamilton would be making a visit" you say, your silky voice sending shivers down his spine. He was so caught up in the feeling that he missed the part where you recognized him so easily.

"You watch formula One?" He asked and stepped closer when you waved him over. You smiled at him and fought the blush that threatened to coke when his hand slid over your waist- careful of the elegant dress you wore.

Your hand came to wrap behind his back, the velvet material of his black suit tickled your finger tips.

"Of course, have been since my dad showed it to me" you admit and turn to look away from him when his gaze seems to turn your legs to jelly. You look a the cameras, a welcomed distraction that helped you to calm down.

"Oh yeah?" Lewis tried to bite back the smile but couldn't, "you have a favorite driver?" He asks and turns as well to face the flashing cameras. The rational part of him was already reprimanding him and telling him to get ready for all the f1 news articles that'll come after the pictures of him with a women are released.

You turn to look up at him again at the same time he shifts his eyes back to you, "I might have a soft spot for a certain British driver" you tell him, a playful glint to your eyes that only makes the soft pink and feminine make up look seem even more fairytale like.

"Well there's three British drivers" he says with an amused smirk. You pull apart as you walk down the carpet, your pink glossed lips remain sealed over the topic until you reach another posing point.

Again you pose together for the cameras, the idea of posing separately or even walking away from the other seemed like no fun.

"Well he drives for Mercedes" you say with a sigh, your hand that rest over his shoulder set his body ablaze but he tried to ignore how easily it affected him.

"That only gets rid of one" he whispers when he leans down. His warm breath fans the side of your face and makes it hard to focus.

"How many of them have won a championship... or seven?" You say softly, taking the hand he offers to walk up the steps.

"That would leave one left" he says with a quiet chuckle.

"Then im sure you can figure it out" You say, and take a step from him only for his hand- that still holding yours- to keep you from leaving. He closes the gap, no longer mindful of the attention and cameras that have followed you both since you decided to walk together.

"What if I want to hear you say it?" He says lowly, his dark eyes sparklingly with a hidden mischief as a small smirk pulls at his lips. Your own lips curve into a small smirk as you step closer, with the added height of your heels you easily press a ghost of a kiss on his cheek.

"I think you've got enough people fanning your ego" you whisper softly against his cheek. Just like Lewis, you forget the millions of people watching you both.

But still you take a step away, your eyes alight with humor and playfulness at the 'sour' look on his face.

You blow a playful kiss that makes his smile return, "I'll see you inside Lewis"

He has to be reminded to walk by his manager that stands off to the side, his gaze follows your backside as you leave the carpet for the large room where an extravagant dinner will soon be served.

He enters the dark room and looks around for the women he just met, ready to ask people where you are. But only then does he realize he never got your name. You knew of him, but he couldn't even make an educated guess as to your name.

His manager, seeing the frown fill his face, asks him what's wrong. He shakes his head as he tries to find the shimmer gown or the breathtaking women that wore it among the crowd. But he can't seem to find you anywhere.

He finally runs back to his manager, a determined look in his face when he ask, "can you find out who the women I was just talking to is?" His manager gives him a knowing grin before nodding and stepping off to the side.

Lewis should be a mandatory
celeb at the met gala bc
he makes it better
I don't make the rules

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