I told you so//Lance Stroll

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Prompt: "you're gonna get sick"


Rain hit against the windows next to Lance as he laid against the couch's armrest, his focus on the book he had been reading all afternoon- the weather being too poor for anything else and his girlfriend being asleep meant there was nothing else to do.

He's turned another page when he hears a sudden commotion start to fill the once quiet house- the loud noise covering the crackling of the fire and the sound of pages turning that once had been the only sound.

He looks up from his book only to see you rushing past and down the hallway, your shared golden retriever named Honey following at your heels.

He quirks a brow and sits up at the sound of honey's quiet whimpering and your contagious giggles.

"Y/n?" He calls out your name as he stands up and follows where you went, but the only response he gets is a quick 'in here dear!'.

He leans against the door way, watching you with a confused frown as you're pulling on a pair of bright red rubber boots while honey roams around your feet. You look up and offer a large smile before focusing back on pulling up your shoes.

"And where are you going?" He ask.

You nod your head towards the front door, "it's perfect dancing weather outside! Why didn't you wake me up?" You say it like it's obvious.

"Dancing weather? Baby, it's raining outside?" He says back with a frown, still very confused.

"Exactly!" You say simply, standing up and grabbing yours and honey's rain coat hanging up by the door. Lance can only gap at your single word as you clip on honeys jacket and zip up Yours.

"I'll be outside if you need me!" Is all you say before closing the door behind you. He frowns deeper and follows you, opening the door and leaning against the frame. A smile starts to creep across his face as he watches you dancing around in the pouring rain. Your already soaked hair sticks to your face as you jump around in the huge puddles with the happiest golden retriever around:

You can feel Lance watching your childish behavior so you look up at him with a large smile- one he can't help but smile even wider at.

"You gonna get sick y/n!" His worry makes you laugh and shake your head.

"No I'll be okay Lance!" You shout back over the downpour. He shakes his head with a chuckle, already preparing himself to take care of a sick you.

You extend your hand to him when he looks back up at you, "dance with me"

He pause, looking around at the downpour of rain before looking at you.

"It's raining"

"So what?"

Your smile at him makes it next to impossible to resist the request. He lets out a sigh that you know the meaning of. He doesn't even let the front door close before he's grabbing his own boots and coat and meeting you in the rain.

You let out a giggle when he picks you up and twirls you around in the rain. Your wet hair flying behind you. Like two children unweary of the rain, you mess around and dance in the rain- honey prancing and bouncing around you both.

Almost two hours later Lance is trying not to laugh at your noticeable shivers as he turns on the shower, turning the heat all the way up.

"I'm not gonna say it but you know I warned you about this?" You roll your eyes at Lance despite a small smile.

"Being sick is temporary"

"Some would disagree baby"

"I'd do it again in a heartbeat" you tell him confidently before stepping into the shower. He nods along, knowing it's completely true.

He presses a quick kiss to your temple, "and I'd warm up this shower again in a heartbeat too"

Idc what anyone says ab this Canadian
I love him

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