The start

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You had just woke up and felt short soft grass under you. You stood up but then realized you were your Minecraft character. A breeze of wind comes as you look into a forest and walk over. You try to mine a tree but you were getting bruises, scratches and splinters, so after a few seconds you gave up thinking it wasn't worth and it would be better to give up. As you walk away from the trees you see a chest that had a book on top of it. You run over to the chest and take the book before reading it. All it said was "You have been selected to be in a experiment were you'll be surviving in a world like Minecraft for a month. Don't worry there's 30 other people with you but they have been spawned in different places." Your eyes widen as you read the book, "could this be real?" You said to yourself quietly, obviously in shock from what the book says. You begin to walk straight, just hoping that you could find a village or anyone else that got selected for this. After a couple of hours of just walking and walking you saw a village in the distance. Your legs felt like they were gonna snap at any second but you just kept walking until you got to the village and sat on the ground, trying to rest a bit. You stay there for a couple of seconds until you here giant foot steps and look over, what do you see... The iron golem coming closer to you. You stand up as the iron golem stops right in front of you, looking you up and down making sure you weren't a threat. "Don't worry darling, he dose that to anyone that comes" you look behind after hearing that and see a village in their Forty's. The village comes next to you and looks up at the iron golem before nodding and looking over at you. "is there anything you need? A house? Food? Water?" You look at the village and nod slightly before talking. "Uh well I do need a house and some food if you don't mind" the village starts walking to a house and when they get there they signed with their hands for you to follow. You follow him there and realize it was a spare house that you could use. "Here darling, you can live in this spare house" You nod at them and open the door, going inside and closing the door behind you. "Thanks" you say loud enough for the village to hear as you lay on your bed.

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