Chapter 2: "Change"

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-Cristina walked out of her surgery and bumped into Amelia-

Amelia:"I am really sorry Cristina"

Cristina:"Nooo its fine its also my fault"

-They both laughed about the incident-

Cristina:"did you see Arizona by any chance? We need to go Christmas shopping"

Amelia:"I didn't but if I do I'll send her your way"

Cristina:"Thank you"

-they both start walking away until Amelia turns back around-

Amelia:"Also Cristina did you know that interns have a ship name for you and Arizona"

Cristina:"the ship what now"

Amelia:"yeah they call you "Aristina"

Cristina:"Well that's not bad,it could have been much worse,like Bailey's"

-they both laugh and Cristina left to look for Zona-

-While Cristina was walking she saw Owen-

Cristina:"Owen hi"

-said Cristina hoping they were still friends-

Owen:"Oh hi"

Cristina:"How are you? Is everything good?"

Owen:"Yeah I am just taking the rest of day of to play with Leo"

Cristina:"you are such good dad"

Owen:"Well thank you,I should really get going"

-As Owen started to walk away until Cristina asked-

Cristina:"what are those scratchs on your neck"

-Owen stood there in shock not knowing what to say-

Cristina:"did cat bite your tongue?"

Owen:"Leo scratched me"

-said owen nervously-

Cristina:"See that wasn't so hard"

-Cristina laughed and walked away to contiue looking for Arizona-

Meredith:"Cristina could you come and help me"

Cristina:"what do we have?"

Meredith:"34 male,gsw to the chest and abdomen"

Cristina:"Okay get him to OR 4 and somebody page Dr.Robbins please"

Meredith:"patient isn't a kid?"

Cristina:"Its not for him"


-Amelia bumps into Link-

Amelia:"I am so sorry this keeps happening to me all day long"

Link:"Noo its okayy"

Amelia:"What are you doing here I though you had a big surgery?"

Link:"It was canceled,they got to scared. Now I am trying to find Jo I need to tell her something. What about you?"

Amelia:"Just going to get some rest in on call room I hada really long surgery last night"

Link:"well Good night"

Amelia:"thank you"

-Link starts to walk away while Amelia opens the door and sees Arizona's lifeless body on the floor-

Amelia:"OH MY GOD"

-Amelia yells loudly-


-Link yells while running back-

Amelia:"Arizona- she- I-"

Link:"Amelia come here,we need to report this"

Amelia:"but Cristina is the chief and they were together.."

Link:" then we go to Richard he knows what to do"


Meredith:"I can't belive he didn't die,he looked like cheese with holes in it"

Cristina:"Of course he didn't die we are the twisted sisters"

-said Cristina while laughing-

Meredith:"I really love than nickname"


-they contiue to talk until Link got there and looked at Cristina-

Link:"Cristina we have a problem"

Cristina:"what is it?"

Link:"I need you to sound the lockdown before I tell you"

Cristina:"I can't sound the lockdown without knowing the reason for it"

Link:"its about Arizona"

Meredith:"what are you talking about Link?"

Cristina:"Meredith go to the head of the security tell him cheif calls the lockdown,code is 9482"


-Meredith runs to the security while Link takes Cristina to the crime scene-

Link:"I don't think you should go in there"

Cristina:"move or you're fired"

-Link moves and Cristina enters the room to see love of her life dead on the floor-

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