Chapter 3

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"Well where is he then?" I looked around at my brothers and wondered where my twin could possibly be.
If he isnt in any of our rooms or his room then where else could he be..
"Uh mikey you said he tucked you in? What sort of time?" If he woke up maybe he snuck out to get away from the nightmares.
He doesnt tell anyone about them but sometimes when he comes to my lab sobbing he tends to say a few things.
I know he gets really bad mightmares, he has always had nightmares but after the kraang i doubt he has slept a full night since he was on meds.
"I think it was around 3 maybe but i cant be sure as i was half asleep" ok so yea he obviously woke up then.
"I have a feeling he snuck out, he could have had a nightmare and wanted to go for a walk"
Raph looked a bit annoyed about this.
"Well he isnt ment to go out alone what if he gets hurt?? Dont you have a tracker on him?"
I nodded my head in agreement,
yes he shouldnt be going out alone but i assume as nobody was awake and he needed to go out then he clearly just left for a walk.
"Yes i deffinatly have a tracker on him, im sorry if that sounded sarcastic i actually have a tracker on everyone.." raph and mikey looked at me with a 'seriously dude' look.
Well i have to keep everyone safe so a tracker is the right thing.
I looked at my wrist gadget for leos tracker, he is probably asleep on a roof or something.
"Huh thats odd.." raph looked at me worried.
"What?? Whats odd donnie??" I sighed calmly and looked at raph and mikey.
"He is in a house..i dont know whos though"
Raph had a miked expression of worried and anger.
"Right well suit up, we could be dealing with a villain.."
As we got all our stuff ready i was confused. Why is leo in someones house?
Who would want to kidnapp him..
if he was kidnapped he could he hurt as he would have fought to be free..
We left hoping for the best and expecting the worst, afterall he is still hurt from the invasion.
"Right ok this is the house" mikey nodded and got his chucks ready
"We should go in quietly..sneak up on the villain." We nodded at raph, it would be easier to rescue him if we were silent.
As i unlocked the door with one of my gadgets i started to feel less worried.
This looks like a regular house..
"Omigosh guys look aww" i wonder what mikey found..
Seriously..all this worry and he has got a boyfriend??
We walked in the room and found leo and some rabbit guy cuddled up on the sofa.
"Well i must take a picture for blackmail.."
Raph chucked and shook his head at my comment.
"Since when has he had a boyfriend?"
This confused me.
He hasnt left the lair before without us, at least i dont think he has..
"Going by the lack of bragging, and no pictures of this guy ide say they met tonight and simply fell asleep while chatting."
Mikey nodded but i could see he was dissapointed that leo didnt have a boyfriend.
"Well should we wake him up and take him home..he isnt really ment to be out alone." Mikey seemed to look annoyed at raph when he said this.
"Uh no i dont think so! Look how cute he is!! He is smiling. A genuine smile raph! Yea he smiles at home but that aint a real smile..he always says he is fine but he clearly isnt. Let him have this night. Its not like he wont come back!" Mikey looked so hopefull, hoping raph would let leo stay with this dude.
"I mean yea knowing leo he will be back eventually hoping we didnt notice he was gone." Raph seemed a bit hesitant but eventually sighed and nodded.
"Yea i suppose its not like he is actually alone. And he is adorable like that"
Mikey got all exited, i can already tell he wants them to get together.
"Aaannd raph we will not tell him we know he snuck out. Let him think he got out alone." I had the perfect blackmail all i had to do was say i will tell the others you snuck out. Hah. Perfection.
"Ok fine nobody say about him sneaking out.."
We all nodded and walked out of the house and back to the lair.
Now i shall wait till he comes home.
Leos pov

I woke up but i didnt wanna move, i was snuggled against something really soft.
Once i looked over to what i was cuddling I definitely wasnt leaving any time soon.
"Good morning mr drool.." i looked up at usagis face.
He is so beutiful i dont think i can deny it anymore.
"Good mornin, sorry about falling asleep here.." he shook his head and chuckled
"Honestly dont worry its fine, was nice having something warm nexto me, evan if there was a risk of being covered in drool" i pretended to look annoyed as he smirked.
He is never gonna let that go is he..
"I hate to leave but i dont want my brothers to know i snuck out.. maybe we can meet again tonight?" He looked a bit sad at the mention of me leaving.
"Yes I understand and yes we can meet tonight. Do you want me to walk you home?"
"No no its fine dont worry i have my trusty portals. Here ill give you my number and ill text you later" i typed my number in his phone and got ready to leave.
"See you later leo" he hugged me.
Oh my god my heart is going mad.
"See ya!" I waved bye and disappeared into my portal.
I hated having to leave but i couldn't risk being caught.
Well ill go check if anyone is awake i suppose.
As i headed to donnies room i saw light, yep he is awake.
"Heya don! Sleep well?" He turned to look at me with a face saying 'i know what you did'
"Yes of course, what about you?" Odd, he was being friendly.
"Uh yea slept well." I noticed him smirking.
"Yea ok well i know what you did last night. The others wont admit it as they agreed not to but we tracked you and found where you where and who you were with" ugh great now i wont be able to get out again..
"However i am willing to be kind. If you promise to only go to meet this guy and come back the same night i will be happy to let you go out without one of us. Just dont tell anyone.."
Omg really?? Since when was donnie this nice??
"Omg omg thank you so much"  he rolled his eyes but smiled.
"Right anyway let me check your injuries incase you got hurt." Oh no he's gonna find out about my knee.
This might change his mind about letting me out..
He out his goggles down and stopped at my knee.
Yep here we go
"Hm your knee seems to be bruised what did you do and how much does it hurt." Well obviously im not gonna tell him its hurting me bad when i stand.
"Uh so the guy i was with, his name is usagi, the foot was after him and also they saw me and attacked and one kicked my knee and i fell into a wall..and no it dont hurt that bad"
He looked unimpressed
"Ok not smart..stand up and walk to the door and back"
Ugh great, as i started walking the knee started to hurt.
And i knew donnie saw how much it hurt too.
"Yea sure it doesnt hurt..get over here let me re wrap it." I sat down and held my leg up, letting him sort it out again.
"Who re wrapped it? These are fresh bandages"
"Usagi did, he gave me ice, he is honestly so nice." He seemed to smile in approval while wrapping the bandages again.
"Well i dont really want to know but how did you meet him?"
Yay i can share some gossip!
"So i went to huesos for pizza and he was the new waiter and after some chatting i offered to walk him home. And we got ambushed then he carried me to his cus i couldnt walk much and then i told him about the kraang and we both fell asleep. And every time he hugs me my heart is about to explode!"
He chuckled and looked at me with a happy face.
"Well beloved twin brother i have a diagnosis for your heart. You, my good sir, are in love."

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