Chapter 1

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"Took you guys long enough" i chuckled as i saw orange light and my beloved brothers appearing on the other side, i was ready to die but they clearly weren't ready to let me go.
The kraang was getting closer and closer to the portal.
i hid my desperation to escape before the kraang got there, after all the effort i put in to get him back in the prison dimension i cant let him back out.
I turned my head to look at my brothers again but they were gone, and so was the portal.
The kraang wasnt gone though, he was still charging towards me.
I could hear his heavy, angry breathing getting closer to me but i was all out of energy, i was aching and couldnt bare to move anymore.
I stayed still knowing i was about to die.
I shot up in my bed and looked around the room.
Oh good only a nightmare..
ever since the invasion i had nightmares most nights.
The only time i didnt was when i was in the med bay fully knocked out on meds.
The others always ask if i get nightmares but i just tell them no.
They dont need to worry about me that would just be an extra something on their shoulders that they dont need.
I knew i wouldnt be able to fall asleep for a while so I decided to see if anyone wanted to go for a walk.
I wasnt allowed out alone due to my injuries, well mainly my knee because if i hit it again it would be quite painful donnie said.
I stopped at raphs room first, all the lights were of and i could see him cuddling his teddy bear, he is a big softie really.
Next was mikeys room, i could see light comming from his room so maybe he was awake?
I poked my head into his room to see him face down on his desk, he had fallen asleep while drawing.
Well i cant leave him here he will be sore if he sleeps like this..
I lifted him up gently and tucked him into his bed, i really did love having a younger brother to look after he was just so cute.
Ok well last but not least donnies room..
he was either working or fast asleep.
Don was always working on his tech, last week he Didnt sleep for 3 days straight claiming it had to be finished.
Turns out it failed and he was quite mad but he gave up on trying again.
I wonder what it was..
I crept over to where his bed was and saw him flat out and his duvet was on the floor.
Being a nice brother i chose to tuck him in even tho he wont know i did it.
After leaving his room i sat on the sofa.
Who could go out with me now..
wait if everyone is asleep surely they wont know im gone right?
Ill just sneak out.
As long as im back before they wake up they will never know!
I got my swords and gear and headed to a rooftop to look at the stars.
Wow the stars are really pretty, weird to think ide never see them again if mikey didnt open that portal..
i shouldnt think about that but oh well.
I cant think like this around my brothers, they care too much.
I love that they care dont get me wrong but if they know im not alright they would do eveything to find out why and fix it.
I dont want them to have to do that for me, they already brought me back from the prison dimension and took care of my injuries, i dont want to add to the list..
My stomach started to grumble so instead of going home like I planned i decided a trip to run of the mill wont hurt.
We havent been there in ages since i was healing from injuries and so was everyone else.
Im sure hueso is missing my face in the restaurant.
"Oh your finally back..just as i thought it was nice and quiet.." senior hueso rolled his eyes but smiled.
"Yes well i fancy some pizza and why not get it from my favourite place!" I chuckled and walked over to a table and waited to be served.
"Pepino i have a new waiter please dont scare him away with your dreadful jokes.." i smirked and put my hand over my heart dramatically.
"Who said my jokes are dreadful!" Senior hueso shook his head and walked away to greet someone else.
"Hello my name is usagi i will be your server tonight can i get you started with anything?"
I went to speak but it seems my voice got lost, the waiter was probably the most gorgeous person i had ever seen, besides me of course.
He was clearly a rabbit, he had his ears tied back in a ponytail, adorable, his nose was twitching in the cutest way and i could see his cheeks growing redder as i continued to stare while drooling, wait im drooling oh gosh.
I wiped my mouth and chuckled.
"Ha uh yea can i just have a water and a medium Hawaiian please.."
i saw a slight smirk on his face as he handed me a napkin.
"Here you go, for the drool." He laughed as my face went red and he walked away to get my drink.
He came back with my drink and pizza.
Oh gosh that food smelt amazing!
"Enjoy you food, try not to drool on it though.."
I went red again as he smirked and walked away.
Huh whats that nexto my food..a note?
It read:*hey drooler, heres my number love usagi;)
Oh my god someone actually fancies me!
I mean of course he does im irresistible.
But what do i say.. like do i just say hello its me? no that seems to awkward..
Once i finished my food i waited for the bill, i had already decided i would be tipping my server, he is just to good not to tip.
"Hey usagi, heres an extra $10 for you, and um when do you finish?" Play it cool leo no drooling..
"Aw you dont have to do that but thanks, and i actually finish in a few minutes your my last customer." He said with a smile and his nose twitched.
I could feel myself falling in love..
"Great well if its ok can i walk you home? I have nothing better to do.." well i mean actually im not supposed to be out and the longer im out the more i risk getting caught but oh well.
"Yea thats fine let me just check out, ill meet you at the door?"
"Ok see ya in a sec" i walked over to the front door, why do i feel so exited?
Its like my heart is on fire its beating so much. It only got worse as i saw him walk towards me.
"Ok lets go, what is your name by the way or do i just call you drool?"
"Haha very funny, my name is leonardo but you can just call me leo, or leon, or nardo or whatever really." Gosh shut up leon you will scare him away.
"Ok leo, this way" hm i sense ive met someone simillar to me. As we turned down a dark road i heard footsteaps behind us.
"Its you again rabbit..and one of them pesky turtles!" Oh great this will be fun..

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