I cried, he huffed and puffed I was annoying him a little bit, so I muffled my cries until I felt his long arm wrap around my waist, he pulled me closer into him and rubbed my thigh till I fell asleep.

I laid on my back staring up into the darkness of the room. I didn't feel like getting up, nor did I want to interact with anyone especially after yesterday. So I just laid there, in jaspers shirt and my panties, I turned over on my side I was about to close my eyes till the door swung open.

Immediately jumping up I looked at door and saw Jasper. My heart fluttered and jumped. He looked over at me seeming surprised to see me up. He started walking towards me then stopped, he locked the door.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked me walking to his dresser and taking off his shoes, watch, and belt.

"Fine." I huffed and rolled my eyes, the memory of him yelling at me again crept into my mind.

"What's with the tone." He snapped.

I decided to ignore him. I slipped off the huge bed and walked to this door I don't know where it was taking me but I was trusting it.

I pushed the door open and it revealed a huge bathroom. This bathroom seemed to be bigger than my man's bedroom and living room combine together!

I looked around  in amazement, I walked over to the shower it was really big, I opened up the doors and looked at the shower confused for a moment.

The shower I had back at home we had to use a wrench to turn on the shower, but this shower? It had actual knobs on it.

I pulled one down and the water started pouring, I turned around and took off Jasper's shirt followed by my panties.

I pulled the towel off the shelf and sat it on the counter, then I stepped inside the shower sighing at the warmth. His shower was definitely more better then the one I had in my room.

I watched as the water buds dripped down to my feet. I started to think about things and my life. I really miss my sister... she was always favorited over me, but she never treated me differently. Even though it was a scary way I was bought here ... I am very thankful and grateful for the way I am being treated here.

I haven't missed a meal since ive arrived.
Yeah some of the people don't like me, but one of the most famous and rich people are ... choosing me to be his queen, or the next princess!

I just really miss my sister... even my ma... as bad as she treated me she's my mom at the end of the day and I miss her. I wish things were differently, between us. She let a lot of people hurt me, including her own mister.

My eyes began to weld with tears and immediately streaming down my face. I started to cry.

I finally let it out

I felt a pair of hands that I love so much wrap around my waist and pull me close. I continued to sob, I was so hurt and confused. I didn't care about the fact that we were both naked, I didn't care at all. All I knew is that I was somewhere comfortable and safe.

In his arms.

Rubbing my shoulders and back, soothing me but also allowing me to have my moment.

"If your Crying because of earlier I truly apologize... I never wanted to make you hurt or cry. I was wrong... I was just frustrated about how you were focused on the other girls and their feelings and leaving out your OWN."

I nodded my head and kept crying. I accepted his apology but that not what's wrong with me.

"It's... not... t—that." I tried to gather myself so I could speak a full sentence.

"Well then what is it? Tell me so I can fix it I'm here for you Zara... or we can wait till we get out the shower?"

"We can wait."

I pulled back from him and looked at him. He was crafted by a Greek god most definitely, he looked up at me with a brow raised in confusion.

I continued to stare at his features, he had so many tattoos... I never met a prince with tattoos until now.

...He really is a bad boy... and I'm here for it.

"See what you like yes?" He let out a husky chuckle that sent shivers to my body.

I quickly nodded my head and smiled.

"Well I LOVE what I see."

He cornered me into the shower wall, feeling the cool tile on my back made me jump up but I jumped right into his chest.

He let out a small grunt and his hands traveled to my waist, pulling me even closer to him.

I felt his wet skin against mine, his green eyes burning holes into mines. His stare was deadly and dangerous, but it made me feel safe. He looked down at my lips then back at me, just as he did the first time in my room.

He's going to kiss me.

This is my final chance.

No Elizabeth.

No disruptions.

Just Me and him.

Jasper and I alone.









Authors note 📝: when did you have your first kiss ?

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