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There were four loud pounds on my door that sent me flying off of my bed and onto my feet.

I scrambled to the door tripping over my own feet and falling face first causing a loud thud.

I yelped out in pain. The door slung up, after some more heavy knocking. My eyes shot up and I looked up to see prince Jasper.

"Are you alright! What was that loud noise!?" He looked around the room as if he was searching for someone or something. When he realized there was no one he kneeled down to me.

"I-I- your knocking. I was trying to get to the door but I was sleep and it startled me."

I stumbled upon my words per usual when I'm talking to him or near him.

"Oh. I apologize for scaring you, that wasn't my intention."

He put his hand out for me to hold his and I did.

He pulled me up gently to my feet.

His left arm was around my waist while the other was on my lower back.


"I— um... was there something you needed sir?" I pulled myself away from him, I seemed to had snapped him out of his trance and back to reality.

"I'm having a rough night. I can't sleep in my own room, someone has intruded my personal space without my consent."

"Who did?" I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

"Elizabeth." He let out a harsh sigh.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"She's always causing me trouble. That woman is bloody hell!" He chuckled, I let out a giggle as well. He wasn't lying, Elizabeth is always up to no good.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. In all seriousness sir."

"Thank you, Zara." He pushed a curl out of my face and rested his hand on my cheek.

"You're beautiful. You know you're my pick right." He dragged his long finger down to my chin and lifted my chin up to look at him in his eyes.

"Y-your pick? But sir I'm... I'm not all that great—." He put his finger that was once on my chin to my lips to hush me. He shook his head side to side.

"No, you are all that great and more. More than you think, don't say you aren't ever again. Understood?"

I looked at him back and forth with each eye. I nodded my head, he squinted his eyes at me and roughly grabbed my jaw.

"I said... am I understood?" He tightened his grip on me. I nodded my head yes.



He stared at me, I stared back at him. My stomach felt weird, and so did down there. It was as if there was heart beat pounding harshly in my... well yeah.

He backed me into the wall, I let out a small whimper which amused him. He bought his head closer to my neck inhaling my scent and sighing. His breath tickled my neck and he left small but simple kisses on my neck.

My breathing hitched up to a thousand, the air in the room became thick I felt like I couldn't breathe I nerve had this type of feelings and sensation before it was all so overwhelming but I liked it at the same time.

He pulled back and looked at me in my eyes, a smile grew upon his face he looked at my lips then back at my eyes.

Then down again at my lips, he licked his and started to lean in towards my face.

He's going to kiss me!?

He was literally an inch away from my lips, I closed my eyes I began to lean in too until there was a loud scoff that filled the room.

Ruining the moment we were about to have we looked over and saw The devil himself Elizabeth and Anastasia.


"Elizabeth! What are you doing! You should be in your room! Seeing you twice tonight wasn't something I needed!"

"Ugh! How dare you be so rude to me. You should be all over me at the moment! Yet you're with this... this thing!" She yelled.

"Don't talk about her that way!"

"It was never a guaranteed fact that you and I will be together! My mother lied to you! Even then I been telling you over and over and over. I HAVE NO INTEREST WITH YOU ELIZABETH!"

"Oh god. Don't tell me you have interest in this bitch. She has nothing! Look at her do fucks sake, she will never make do to be a princess!"

"Get out!" He yelled and pointed to the door.

"But I—-."

"As your prince! I command you to get out of this room this instant!" He got up close to her, and pointed towards the door.

She scoffed loudly and slammed my bedroom door, I could hear her room door opening and closing.

He took a deep breath and pinched his temple.

"This damn woman. I'm sick of her and her bullshit games." He walked out of my room and slammed the door. I stood there in the dark, confused.

I was confused but upset at the same time. I wanted him to kiss me, something in me was just begging and begging for him to just take me on right then and there.

But of course, Elizabeth had to ruin it.









Authors note 📝: would you date Jasper or Elliot ?

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