How Did This Happen?

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"What are you saying!? Snap out of it!" Cardin screams, and I stand up with my weapons in hand

"I warned all of you..." I say tying my hair up, and then a man enters the building

"The White Fang is already finishing up preparations. Nobody is getting in, and nobody is getting out." The same man that Ozpin had me avoid at the train

I glare at this scenario and stepped forward,

"Go home. This is a warning, and there wouldn't be a second one." I say

"Not without you." Cardin says, preparing his mace

"Where you with them this entire time!? Have you forgotten what they did to Phyrra!? To Beacon!?" Jaune screams

"Shut up! She's not an idiot! If she didn't, then she would have done things earlier! She's just ganging up on us to scare us away!" Cardin screams at Jaune

"Be quiet." I clenched my weapons

"Yeah? Then make me, or you can't because Fro won't even listen to you as well!" He pushes on, and then Cinder looks at me and then laughs

"My, what is this? A lovers quarrel? If they won't back down, then there is one way to settle this." Cinder says, and then Fro climbs from the ground, I pretend that she just came out.

Her thoughts and mine are one.

This hurts me more than it hurts her - no... this just fucking hurts to do

"Fro." I toss her the shield and then it rushes towards Qrow knocking him to a wall

"UNCLE QROW!" Ruby screams and then I shot myself pass Cardin to rush on Ruby only for her to fell for it and use her semblance to get away

But my target was Oscar, that dodged my shotgun point blank but some grazes him that were blocked by his aura.

The floor shatters into debris as Cardin swings his mace at me that I take,

He didn't expect that I did, which gave me a chance to shoot him in the armor that knocks him back, then I shoot myself to revive.

"MATTIE PLEASE! LET'S TALK ABOUT THIS!!" Nora screams, but then I look at Cinder

"What are you waiting around for?!" I ask her, and then Mercury just smirks

"Needed to be told? We want you to get rid of them first." Emerald crosses her arms, and then I look down at the others

Weiss helps Qrow by trying to catch Fro that she can see with her shield, but the other girl with brown hair takes care of her.

Oscar went up to Lionhart,

Nora went to help Ren with the other guy,

Cardin, Yang, Jaune, and Ruby...

"Stop this..." Yang breaks her tone to speak

"Gang up on her! She's immortal, but she's not invincible!" Cardin charges by smashing a crater, and I get shot by Ruby on the leg, which causes her to stop because she didn't mean that it would knock my leg off

"Ohhh, she'll walk it off..." Mercury comments as I kill myself to revive

I breathe heavily, getting up, and then Jaune runs with his upgraded broadsword, about to swing at me until I blocked it to see that he hesitated and attacked me with the flat side

I aim my shotgun at him, but I couldn't bring myself to trigger

Yang beat me to it and punched me to the chest, it knocks the air out of me, and with a concussion, it paralyzed me for a moment

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