Ensuring he checked on Yoongi intermittently, Jimin found solace in the domestic routine, relishing the sense of caretaking and intimacy it afforded. Yet, amidst his satisfaction, a lingering uncertainty gnawed at Jimin's thoughts - the desire to be the sole provider of comfort in Yoongi's life warred with the fear of overstepping boundaries. Lost in contemplation, Jimin sliced onions thinly, the pungent aroma momentarily masking his internal turmoil.

Once the soup was simmering, Jimin returned to Yoongi's side, tenderly combing back his damp hair, sweat glistening on his forehead. Each glance at Yoongi's porcelain skin stirred a primal longing within Jimin, leaving him with a persistent urge to swallow his emotions. With a sudden surge of impulsive affection, Jimin sank to the floor beside Yoongi, positioning himself at eye level with his sleeping form. Without disturbing Yoongi's slumber, Jimin nestled his head beside his Hyung's, his gaze fixated on Yoongi's serene features, unable to tear his eyes away.

In that quiet moment of unspoken adoration, Jimin yearned to convey the depth of his feelings, to articulate just how beautiful and captivating Yoongi was to him. Yet, words eluded him, their limitations falling short in capturing the magnitude of his emotions. So, Jimin simply remained there, silently soaking in the sight of Yoongi's peaceful countenance, his heart overflowing with love and longing.

He was on the verge of doing something audacious, like meticulously counting Yoongi's eyelashes one by one. With the luxury of time before Yoongi stirred from his slumber, Jimin fixated his gaze upon his Hyung. The fluttering butterflies in his stomach were a testament to the enduring emotions that consumed him, foremost among them, the profound conviction that Yoongi belonged to him.

Despite the pang of guilt for causing Yoongi heartache, Jimin recognized the necessity of addressing their relationship issues. They needed to have a candid conversation, to mend their hearts and restore the sweetness between them. Yet, in the midst of these contemplations, Jimin found himself unable to resist the irresistible urge to shower Yoongi's cheeks with tender kisses. It was an impulse he couldn't control, driven by an insatiable desire for closeness and affection.

Jimin found himself flooded with emotions at the thought of losing Yoongi, prompting an instant desire to proclaim their relationship to the world. This impulse felt so overwhelming that it bordered on insanity. Both Jimin and Yoongi grappled with the complexities of their situation, unable to confide in their families or confront certain obstacles.

Despite sharing a deep love for each other, they navigated their relationship in secrecy. Yet, Jimin couldn't shake the yearning for their love to be acknowledged by those around them. He longed for the validation and recognition that would bring them peace, a sentiment shared by Yoongi.

Feeling unable to find validation for their relationship, Jimin grew fixated on making Yoongi feel more deeply his own. Disregarding Yoongi's inebriated state, he climbed on top of him and settled in. Though a fleeting thought suggested this act might be more significant if they were both naked, Jimin couldn't divert his gaze from the constellation of moles adorning Yoongi's face, each one akin to the most beautiful stars in the galaxy.

Pressing his nose to each mole, Jimin tenderly kissed them, feeling as though God had mapped out each spot for him to explore on Yoongi's face. To Jimin, his Yoongi was a vision of beauty in every sense - whether inebriated, sober, serene, furious, or elated. Lately, Jimin found particular joy in observing Yoongi's reactions as they explored each other in bed, reveling in every flicker of excitement reflected in his eyes, every whimper and moan that escaped his lips.

The thought of anyone else having the privilege to witness Yoongi in such intimate moments filled Jimin with an inexplicable rage, even in the absence of any tangible obstacle. The mere notion of sharing that sacred space with another ignited a fierce possessiveness within him, one that threatened to consume him entirely.

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