Truths Revealed

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Oi’nos’anatí 6th
Faemála’s Realm


“I do.”

“And you love this man, don’t you?” I ask, watching a shadow stop just outside the door. Faemála helps me slip into the water.

“With all my heart. Masaru is my everything. I have waited thousands of years for him. To become fae, though, would that not be asking too much of him? He doesn’t even know that we are paired.”

“Faemála, daarin.” She jumps as a handsome, somewhat nerdy, and taller than normal Japanese man comes around the corner. “I would do anything for you.” Tavi holds my hand and kisses it gently before helping her up. He guides Faemála over to Masaru and hands her to him gently.

“You two talk. If you decide you wish to try it, go to Amanda through the door in the garden. It will take you to our daughter Tira.” I unfurl my wings, catching their attention.

“You will love her. In our world, we are dragons,” Both their eyes grow large.

“Your color!” Faemála gets close, dragging her man with. “You’re…” I nod.

“Wait until you see Mum, Amanda, and Larry. Even the kids are developing.” She hugs me quickly before running away with Masaru. I sigh and relax into the water. “It will all be okay.”

“Yes it will. Hopefully, that means she shall wake soon.” I nod happily. Tavi has a good point.

“All we have to do is bring magic to Earth and make it spread carefully. But what happens to all of this? Is it like Tira’s and can be pulled out, or will this world disappear when Faemála does?”

“Nooo!” I hear a familiar little whine.

“Dhalia, Darlene, what are you two doing here? I thought you’d be out playing.”

“Auntie La-La’s kissing a boy. She wants to pway with him, not us.” Their sad little faces make me want to giggle.

“I see. Did she tell you this?”

“No. You kiss Uncle Tavi, then go pway awone.” I blush. They have no idea.

“Yeah, you mates. Gwammy kiss Gwampy, Mommy kiss Cookie, an aw mates onwy want to pway awone.” I nod and giggle. They’re this observant at four.

“Well, what do you want to play?”

“There you are! You two are… Oh hey, Sissy. How are you feeling?” Amanda comes storming in. The girls must have run off again.

“Relaxed, but the girls are feeling neglected. They’ve noticed how we like to run off and play alone with our mates. They wanted to play with Faemála, but she has a mate now.” Amanda’s ear-splitting scream of joy sends birds flying in fright.

“I can’t wait to meet him. Wait, it is a him, right?” I nod. My ears are still ringing. “Okay, they get alone time. Girls, come. Cookie wants to take you flying!” I giggle at their nickname for Kícoatl. My cookie joke kind of stuck on him. Only the littles and Amanda can call him that.

“Kay!” They cheer excitedly. Before they leave, the girls turn together and startle me. Their eyes are glowing blue. Not just their normal eyes, but their entire eyes have turned a glowing crystal blue. “Auntie, plant a tree.” The girls say together. No normal lisp or speech impediment. It was clear as day. The glow disappears, and they walk away like nothing happened.

“What just happened?” I turn to see my team coming in from the other side. They’re hesitant.

“They are seers. Oracles, if you will. Cara, you asked a question, did you not?” Edward asks. I try to think.

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