The Divide

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Oi’nos’anatí 5th


The forest has been tight and nearly suffocating. We couldn't tell the time of the day if it wasn’t for our phones and watches. It’s a rainforest, so humidity has been… Well, let’s just say: curls turn sentient when it’s this heavy. Cara yelled “RELEASE THE KRAKEN!” Yeah, those are real here. We found out when people got scared. Cara told us not to worry. If we find one, we’ll have a lot of calamari. I nearly fell off this huge bison-looking thing laughing!

Surprisingly, Clara’s asthma seems to be doing better in this environment. Everyone else with breathing problems was quickly identified. Thankfully, we have a nebulizer and a battery backup. Again, people believed their pulmonary conditions were a curse. I sighed heavily and explained what they were experiencing and why. Most had asthma or bronchitis of one sort or another. We had the medicine and equipment to treat them.

One man had a genetic heart problem. CHF: congestive heart failure. It was one of Bellis’s soldiers. He was sent back to Wayòm’wí Hati Asàn quickly for treatment. We will have to bring a cardiologist from Earth to help treat him. I only know how to diagnose conditions that our family doesn’t have and minor ways to control issues. Once again, these people thought it was a family curse.

My journal of what we need medically is growing quickly. I wonder how we can entice the experts we need and their families away from their high-paying jobs… and Earth. I create a list of those I think we could use and create emails to each of them. I have no clue how to tell them we were on another planet. All I can figure to do is send them to Georgia and Zane. Now, how do we send these? Maybe I should slip a note to Faemála and have someone log in… hmm.

Cara has been quarantined with a few others to the carriages. Some of the druids, shamans, mages, and witches were able to reduce the heat and humidity in a couple of carriages. Yeah, I know. They have different names for their professions, but the Earth gamer in me can’t help but use familiar names. My kids are taking to their studies like I have to water.

I can’t believe I'm a fụcking mermaid! I’m terrified of drowning. I almost died a few years ago when some drunk jackaṣs ran me off the road and into a pond. I couldn’t get my seat belt off. A couple of kids on horseback saw. They called 9-1-1 before diving in and cutting me out. Thank heavens the kids weren’t with me. It took 3 minutes of CPR to bring me back. Getting here was terrifying, but I needed to protect Lía.

The two mermaid sisters have been helping me. I was able to confirm that they’re half sisters two days after entering this forest. As thanks, they decided to help me more than they planned. I guess mermaids, mërroẃ, or whatever we’re called, have secret magics that are revealed to them by their ancestors when they are between 7 and 10. They want to include me and our family as their own. People here are amazing.

They feel that the magic sensed my fear that I’ve been hiding from the accident. It decided to activate that part of my DNA to protect me and make me more comfortable. They were surprised that all of the kids had already formed gills and started growing scales and a tail in the water. The kids also started forming wing buds, claws, and parts from other races. The sisters explained that we aren’t just mërroẃ, we are hybrids.

Still, they told me to focus on my own studies and let the kids develop as they needed. They had their own tutors to their dismay. David got them hooked on the fun magic part. I have to admit, it is fun. I have water magic. I’m being taught to manipulate the humidity in the air.

“Mooom!” I hear Daniel whine. “Darlene and Dhalia are using their magic on me!” I turn to see the girls giggling and Daniel’s pants. I try not to laugh.

The Wish of a Broken HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon