Chapter 14 - Consequences

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Kol watched as his niece walked out onto the streets and disappeared. He could feel the anxiety spiking from Hope, but he could do nothing, at least for now. The visions were disturbing and all he could do was try and make Hope believe it wasn't real. It hadn't worked, he knew, but he took comfort in the fact that his niece was strong. He needed to come up with some way to deal with this and fast before Hayley decided he had overplayed his hand.

He replayed what had happened in his mind. Hope had gone inside the store looking for Nicolas Flamel and in under a minute, the screaming had started. He couldn't do anything. He punched and screamed at the entrance trying to get in and tore apart everything in his sight. He regretted bringing his niece, he should've just compelled someone. It felt like hours but only a minute, before Flamel opened the door for him and invited him inside. He didn't- couldn't care about anything but his niece, who was lying on the floor, screaming. There was a crystal ball in front of her, different somehow and it was swirling mad. Kol didn't understand it but knew what was happening. Prophecy- to a child! He didn't think- didn't care about what might happen to him if he got lost in someone else's vision without the magic to navigate it, but he jumped into his niece's mind anyway. Hope's mind was strong in its defense against intrusion as she was the tribrid, but it was nothing to an original vampire since she wasn't activated yet. He dived deep, navigating Hope's memories of their family - her friends - and found what he was looking for: her inner eye- a doorway into the past, the present and the future- something no vampire could access without going mad. He needed the help of a witch to go further in safely, but he didn't have the time and Flamel wouldn't know what to do. He plunged in, and was immediately bombarded with what she was seeing: visions of what was to come in a week, a month, years even. He couldn't navigate it but a thousand years of living made him capable of withstanding what he was seeing without going mad. He had been screaming her name into the void for how long, he didn't know, but she had found him and he used her power to guide them out.

Now, that his niece was away, he let his rage resurface. He turned to the alchemist and slammed him into the wall and tightened his hold on his neck. "WHAT- THE FUCK- WAS THAT?"

"I- can't- breathe."

Kol let go after a few moments and let the alchemist catch his breath. "Talk. Now!"

"She has a powerful sight," said Flamel.

Kol closed his eyes to keep his rage in check. He knew that if he didn't get his answers now, he would lose control and drain him. "I know that! She's the tribrid, for crying out loud. No one would rival her in power."

"My crystal ball doesn't just help a witch or wizard see into the future. It pulls out everything their inner eye can see."


"I'm old and my sight isn't what it once was, but with the wizarding war, Albus had asked me to see what I could find out. I have been at it for... ten, maybe twelve years now?"

"I thought your war ended."

"Hmm... Just a timeout. He's weak, but he will be back one way or another."

Kol knew who he was talking about. He had always kept himself knowledgeable about the magical world at large even if his siblings couldn't care less. The events at Hogwarts, what his niece had told him about, fit neatly into place. "Your stone."

"Likely, yes."

"Then you know there's only one way to ensure it doesn't happen."

"To destroy it, yes. I'm too old to live on anyway."

Regardless of the circumstances, Kol felt for his oldest friend, for what he had to do. "You know there are other ways to live long, should you need it. My offer still stands."

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