Chapter 3 - Chosen

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Hope breathed in the fresh air after the long flight as she got out of their private jet. They had just landed at the Goodwood Aerodrome airport. Keelin had decided to stay behind. Hayley wanted to come but her status as a vampire-werewolf hybrid would easily be exposed in a room full of witches and wizards. And she didn't want her daughter to stand out, well, any more than she would already, as an American in London. And with her by her side, her identity would be obvious as Hayley was one of the only two hybrids that existed.

Freya and Hope descended the stairs to be greeted by an athletic young man in a suit with a bright smile on his face.

"Marcel!" Hope squealed as she ran forth and hugged him tight.

"Hey, Hope. It has been a while."

"Where's Aunt Rebekah? I thought she was with you."

"Hope, you know she can't be around you."

Hope's face fell as she was reminded of her family's curse yet again. "This is unfair."

"I know, Hope. But I know you'll break the curse one day. After all, why else would you be going to your dream school?"

"Come on. It's not my dream school. I had just wondered-"

"-about a thousand times if you could enter the most prestigious wizarding school in the world?" Marcel finished as Hope trailed off. "Ya, like I said, your dream school."

Marcel turned towards Freya as she came in for a hug. "It's good to see you, Marcel. You treating my sister okay?"

"Always," said Marcel. He turned towards the parking lot. "Come on. Let's get going. You need to rest after the flight. Tomorrow, you get introductions to the British Wizarding world."

Hope woke the next morning in her guest room at the Mikaelson Manor outside of Henfield. Her family had acquired and refurbished it after the curse had them running to the four corners of the world. Rebekah and Marcel had moved in last year once they had officially given a label to their relationship. Now she had left because of Hope. It still hurt Hope. She was only eleven and her family had been asleep for the much of first half of her life, and in the latter half, they couldn't be in her presence or each other's.

She got ready and walked downstairs. She marveled at the sights in the large manor. It was a castle really. She wondered how her family could have acquired it. No one in their right mind would give away a place like this no matter how nice the offer. It didn't surprise her though, not really.

"You ready," Freya asked, as she walked into the living room. Freya was already ready and waiting.

"Is Marcel not coming," Hope asked.

"Hope, I thought we talked about this."

"Ya, I know, but. I get why Mom couldn't come but why not Marcel too?"

"Hope," sighed Freya, as she turned to face her niece fully. "Your mother couldn't come because her mere presence would mean you are here. You know our family has many enemies. And Marcel has been here for quite some time. But still, he can't be seen with you, without revealing who you are. Know he will be around, and would come running if anything should happen."

Hope nodded, still upset that this is her life. She walked out the front door and saw Marcel with a bright smile on his face as always.

"Morning, Hope," he said as he pulled her in for a hug. "Have fun in London. And I will be coming. Just not in the same car. You need me, I'll be right there, for whatever."

"Always?" asked Hope as she pulled away.

"And forever."

Hope smiled at that. It was their promise. The promise her family had made a thousand years ago. Whatever happens, they would always be together, even if they couldn't physically be together for now. And if Hope had her way, that wouldn't be a problem for much longer.

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