Chapter 12 - The Alchemist

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It was December and the holidays were here. Hope wasn't planning on going back home to America but spend it with her family in England. Her mom would be there too; it was the holidays after all, and no one would care if Hope was sighted in England.

"You're coming with me, right?" Hope asked Hermione as they got ready.

"I said I was, didn't I?"

"But your parents-"

"-are okay with it. They don't really know much about the magical world, so they want me to experience what they can't provide: a magical household."

Hope smiled. "Right, though I have to warn you, my family is not like those wizarding families."

"Right, you're beyond all of them."

"That's not what I meant," Hope mumbled.

They made their way down to the Great Hall where decorations were being hung up all over the place. Some of the staff and students were working on the Christmas tree. Harry and Ron ware sitting across from each other at the Gryffindor table. They appeared to be playing chess.

"Knight to E-5," Harry was saying, and the chess piece moved on the board on its own accord.

"Queen to E-5," Ron responded. His Queen moved to the square, got up from her chair and struck, taking down Harry's Knight.

"That's totally barbaric!" said Hermione, seeing the broken pieces of the Knight taken off the board by Ron.

Ron had a smirk on his face as he looked up. "That's wizard's chess," he said. "I see you both have packed."

"Spending the holidays with Hope's family," said Hermione.

"My parents are visiting my brother Charlie in Romania. He's studying dragons there."

"So then, you can both keep looking for information on Nicolas Flamel in the library."

"We've looked a hundred times!"

"Not in the restricted section, you haven't," said Hermione.

"Hope has; with whatever fancy invisibility spell that she has that no one has heard off, or can do."

"I have, but not for this," said Hope. "I have other priorities, which you clearly don't, seeing as you're killing time intimidating Harry and his... weak skill at chess. No offense, Harry."

"None taken, and I agree with you," said Harry. "I'm just learning."

"Anyway, Happy Christmas," said Hermione as she and Hope turned and walked out.

The train ride back to London was quiet as only a few students was heading back home for the holidays, most wanted to spend time with their friends. As expected, Hermione spent the whole ride back, going through books to find information on Nicolas Flamel, though they both knew it was futile. They didn't even know where to begin and he wasn't someone famous to be found in books like Notable Magical Names of Our Time. Hope, on the other hand, was going through Advanced Potion-Making, which was well beyond her years, even with her being a natural during classes. She was hoping for some speck of information about combining Transfiguration and Potions. It was getting nowhere; for either of them.

They barely noticed it when the train pulled into Platform nine and three-quarters, late into the night. They got off the train and walked across the platform.

"Hi, Aunt Freya," greeted Hope, as she spotted her aunt waving at them from beside Hermione's parents. "Hi, Mr and Mrs Granger! I'm Hope."

"Pleased to meet you, Hope," said Hermione's mom. "Hermione's told us all about you."

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