Chapter : 23

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After Junghyun was discharged, all the bodyguards, junghyun & jungkook left the hospital.

Junghyun and Jungkook were in one car which is in the middle. Rest of all for security purposes riding before and behind it.

Throughout the journey, jungkook was quiet.
He nearly got 50 missed calls from tae .but he didn't answer it cause he doesn't want to .

After reaching Seoul, jungkook quickly left the car and ran to his room.
All the maids were surprised to see their young master after a long time.

He reached his room and unlocked was the same.
All his things were in the same position.

He jumped on to the bed . As soon as he settled in bed all the memories fled onto him.

After a maid called him for dinner he went to the dining no hall .even though he didn't have an appetite, he decided to go.

There his father waiting for him . He took a seat next to his father .

A maid came and served the food in his plate.

All are his favourites.but he just eat a little.
The phone is ringing continuously.

He thought that may be the elder reached the home and couldn't find him.

Jungkook doesn't want to talk to tae .not atleast now.
But after seeing the continuous calls he decide to answer.

When jungkook answered the call, the other side quickly tae started to ask if he was okay or not .

" Kookie, where were you ?

Why didn't you lift my phone ?

Is everything okay ?

Where are u now ? " The question disaster fled over jungkook.

"I'm fine taehyung.

Appa's health is not good. Doctor advised me to take care of him.

So, me too came to Seoul.

Sorry to not inform you earlier ."

A weak sound heard on jungkook's side. It's indicating the other might be sleepy or sober.

Listening to jungkook's reply, tae's stomach churned .
Jungkook used to call him as hyung.hearing full name from him is making him sad.

But may be the other is tired of long drive .so tae decided to not care about the other things.

"It's okay kook. You should tell me earlier.

How is he then ?

Can I come to Seoul then ??"

He asked hoping the other would ask him for help.

Jungkook tried so hard not to cry. But now whatever words he is listening to now are like the thorns which are deeply injuring his heart.

"No taehyung .it's okay.

I don't want to disturb your work.
Maybe you are busy fighting with others."

Finally jungkook let out the words he was holding for so long.

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