𝟐𝟐. Therapy time!!

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Matt is surprised at that. He raises his eyebrows and looks up to make eye contact with the woman. "How do you know what they're like?" He asks her. And now it's time for her to raise her eyebrows. "Well from what I understand is that they hold you in their arms while you eat, sleep, cry, hyperventilate, and puke because they want to be there for you right?" Matt nods. "Well Matt, I have never heard someone say that in real life, not twins, not brothers and sisters, not even married people. I can tell from the way you talk about them that they love you to death. Matter of fact, I bet on a thousand dollars that if you'd ask them what they'd do if you would kill yourself, they will tell you that they will take the pills with you."

Matt is speechless. He thinks about Nick and Chris, and then he remembers how Chris told him he'd die for him. Fuck, she was right. She was absolutely right. He looks up at his therapist to see her looking at him with satisfaction. She sees the realization in his eyes and immediately understands that she was right. Her spidey senses were correct, ten points to miss Roberts.
"Okay? Just listen to them. Open up to them, or don't. They will understand, I promise." She smiles and Matt tries to returns the smile to her.

They talk peacefully for the rest of the hour, talking about his symptoms and feelings. When the hour is over she hands Matt a folder and tells him to give it to his brother's and not to read it himself. Matt just nods and they exchange a goodbye before Matt leaves the office. Matt sighs, tears start pricking at his eyes. He really wants to go home.

Nick and Chris are waiting outside of the building at the door. They brought him inside since he seemed a little weak in the knees and now they're here to pick him up again. But when Matt opens the door and his eyes are glossy their expression drops immediately. "Hey Matty, what happened?" Nick brings out when he notices the tears in his eyes. Matt just walks up to him quickly, Nick immediately notices he's going in for a hug and walks forward to pull Matt in his arms. He grabs Matt tightly and pulls him into his chest without hesitation, instantly noticing the soft sobbing that starts to come from the boy. "Shh, shh, it's okay." Nick soothes while holding Matt's head against his chest. Matt sobs even harder at that. It seems like Chris and Nick were right when they noticed Matt was a little weak in the knees because his legs suddenly give in and Nick and Matt both fall to the cold, wet, asphalt ground. Nick makes sure Matt doesn't hit the ground hard and softly shushes him while he lets heartbreaking sobs escape his mouth. Matt wraps his arms around Nick and squeezes him tight, "I'm so sorry." He sobs while burying his head in Nick's chest. "Shh, it's okay you don't have to be sorry." Nick soothes. Thick raindrops start pouring out of the sky harshly, the sky turns dark and grey as it lets out all it's water. Chris notices the map Matt has dropped on the ground and picks it up. It doesn't take long until all three boys are absolutely soaked in rain but none of them really cares. The sound of rain hitting the ground mixed with Matt's sobs gives a calming energy. Chris doesn't last long though, after five minutes he decides to join their hug and they happily accept him which sends happiness through his veins.

When the boy's finally let go they look at each other and their wet faces. "What happened?" Nick asks softly while removing wet strands of hair from Matt's face. Matt sighs, "god I'm so dramatic." He says through his tears. "No, it's okay to cry." Chris insists. "Let's move this to the car before we all get sick, okay?" Matt and Chris nod and follow Nick to the car. When they're all inside Chris starts the car but doesn't drive away yet. Nick dragged Matt to sit in the back of the car so he wouldn't be alone and so they could stay in each others touch. "What happened?" Nick asks while hugging Matt who has his head in Nick's chest again. "Nothing really, she just gave me a reality check and now I feel fucking selfish." Matt mumbles. Chris and Nick exchange glances, both kinda relieved that the therapist didn't harass him or something. "You're not selfish." Nick soothes while running his hand through Matt's wet hair. "Let's get you home." Chris says, ending the conversation and exchanging a worried glance with Nick.

~Mental pain~ Matt Sturniolo Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora