part 3-Oh look we found someone

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Right now we can see everyone returning back to their respective bases after the shock they after "fighting" an unknown enemy,now no one knew what to do because they had no idea of what to do.

After the incident zuikaku and shoukau were in the room with nagato because the both carriers reported it as utmost important matter

Nagato:so what's this urgent meeting about,better be useful because I have soo much to report to the centre of command

Zuikaku:it is very important!It's like something we've never seen before!And it's so-

Nagato:elaborate please.....I can't just make out something with hints

Shoukaku:Ara. So when we were in the middle of an island with azur lane because a Shockwave hit all of us.

Zuikaku:there were hundreds of dead siren ships,an in construction I-400 class submarine with blue paint,an unkown ship design we haven't seen,it was huge and had 2 gaping closed holes in the front and a yamato class

This piqued nagato's intrust because there were only 3 yamato classes and all three of them were in their house,but before she could think of other things,zuikaku chimed in and told nagato about other ships of NEOKO and leaona and for sure shocked nagato,atleast the urgent meeting for her wasn't useless

Meanwhile akagi and kaga

kaga:why hasn't 5th carrier division reported yet? It's been so long

Akagi:give them time kaga~~,I know they will try their hardest to prove their worth,I am sure everything is fine

Pov Neoko and galexy

Neoko:well this will be fun

Galexy:we will sure have hell lot of fun!

At that neoko's ship uncloacks as several worker bees are launched,the main focus was to force Akari and kaga to use their rigging

The the worker bees then started crashing into against ships to Slightly damage the ship


Akagi:Kaga,we will need to fight this one out even though we are on verge of sinking

And so they made the mistake,they used to rigging,but as soon as they equipped their rigging,they were teleported in the cells of the discovery

The cells of the discovery are empty and enough to drive a normal person insane if they stay too long in the cells,but akagi an kaga were lucky as they were in the same cell

Kaga:WHAT THE HELL,WHERE THE HELL ARE WE!!!*she runs towards the door but is knocked back because of the containment field*

Even akagi was panicking at this point,first an unknown and alien looking vessel attacks them and then they are somehow teleported to an unknown cell


galexy:*on the one side of the cell standing on the wall so that she is not visible to them*yare noisy.

Akagi:that voice if familiar..

Kaga:who are you! Get us out of here!!

Neoko:*walks in* can you please shut the your mouth,your scream can be heard from other side of the ship.

Kaga:no way a-

Neoko:a male and you probably never saw one before cuz they are nearly extinct due to siren invasion I know AND PLEASE DONT START A LECTURE HERE!

Akagi and kaga shut up

Galexy:also don't even do something dumb

Kaga:atleast show yourself.

Galexy:not yet

Neoko:ok now,computer,start the scanning

Many nano drones appear in the cells as they scan akagi and kaga,the result showed nothing abnormal,but that was the tReason for scanning as the drones went away

Kaga: what was that

Neoko:no questions,that's our job to do,so now,it's your turn,I will prepare t next stuff

Galexy then finally showed herself to akagi and kaga who were visibly shocked to see their empress on enemy side,! How can you betray the empire!


galexy:*in mind*are these dumbasses really that stupid that they can't trust their empress and believe that I am a doppelganger,even a child is smarter than this

Galexy:can you both now shut up!and tell me what is this.*holds a Grey cube*

Akagi: a Grey cube.thats a first,i don't know anything



Kaga:*shuts up*

Neoko:*holding a white round thing*anyways I am back,now who should we choose for interrogation?

Akagi:we are not telling you anything honey~~




Neoko: bet

A containment field is created next to the cell as akagi is teleported there without any ties,she does try to punch and break the containment field but it doesn't work.

Neoko:I am being kind,so answer me properly and I won't force anything,why did you declare war on azur lane?


Neoko:3.....2.....1....0,times up,i gotta force it then

Galexy:oh yes!time to use the funni gas

Kaga:dont you dare touch her!

Neoko:i won't

Neoko then proceeds to put the round thing in the containment field as it releases a white gas and akagi inhales it

Akagi:*stiffens up*


akagi:*blink blink*

Galexy:so would you tell us now?

Akagi:OH yes!ofcourseIwillimeanwejustmet,so you know,so anyways i have been just abducted but you all look so cool!!!you even look like our empress or you even me may be her!*eyes sparkling*

Kaga:akagi Sama! What are happened to you,please stop acting like a child!

Neoko:so why did you attack azur lane?

Akagi:*sits down like a chils*OH you know!we didnt really want to attack them!but it was a necessity because they would impose harsh treaties if they ever sense that were are growing,they would also not budge on spending anything to produce better weapons! HAHAAHH!It reminds me of conservatives from the French revolution that happened over 100 years ago,we even even a making a new super weapon that we will defeat sirens! And fulfill the wishes of the heaven!

*sigh*And maybe even bring back my deceased sister

Kaga:akagi nee sama?

Akagi had fell asleep tell then

Galey:well that was a interesting show

Neoko:sure it was

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