TEN: Perseverance

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As Essie and her family continue to confront their challenges head-on, she finds herself at a crossroads, searching for a glimmer of hope in trying times. 

As she gazes at the peaceful face of her sleeping daughter Maevi, doubts begin to creep into her mind. "Am I doing enough as a mother? Am I capable of proving my daughter with her financial needs?" Essie thinks to herself. The weight of responsibility feels overwhelming, and she wonders if she's truly capable of giving her daughter the life she deserves. 

Feeling the weight of these thoughts pressing down on her, she finds herself seeking solace in prayer. Essie retreats to her room, her heart heavy with uncertainty. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she kneels by her bed, asking for guidance and a sign to light her path forward.

"Dear God," Essie whispers, her voice trembling, "please show me the way. I'm lost and confused, but I trust in your plan for me. Please give me a sign, something to hold onto."

In the stillness of her room, a sense of peace washes over Essie, and she feels a gentle reassurance deep in her soul. It's as if a weight has been lifted from her shoulders, and she knows that her prayers have been heard.

Determined to seize the opportunity for a better future, Essie throws herself into work. With each passing day, she excels in her role, earning the respect and admiration of her colleagues.

But it's not enough for Essie. She longs for more, yearning to break free from the constraints of her circumstances and reach for the stars. Therefore, with newfound determination, she decides to pursue higher education, enrolling in online classes. Because of this, she quit her waitress job, and kept her employment as a receptionist in a corporate office.

 "It's not going to be easy, but it'll be worth it," Essie tells her family during dinner one evening. "I want to give Maevi the best life possible."

Her parents exchanged a proud glance, their eyes filled with admiration for their daughter's resilience and determination. "We believe in you, Essie. You've always had the strength to defy the odds, and this time will be no different." Her mother's words warmed Essie's heart, and she stored them in her heart for the rest of her life. 

"I couldn't do anything without you," Essie tells her family, tears of gratitude shining in her eyes. "You've been my rock through it all, and I'm so grateful for your love and support. Mom, Dad, Ken, Nina, Aya, Becca, Miah, and Viana, thank you for helping out with baby Maevi when I'm busy with work. I love and appreciate you all so much."

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