THREE: Consequences Pt. 2

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As Essie confided in Mila about her grandfather's decision to send her away, Mila's eyes widened in shock.

"What? But that's not fair, Essie!" Mila exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief. "You can't just be sent away like that!"

Essie nodded, her heart heavy with uncertainty. "I know, Mila. But my grandfather thinks it's for the best. He says it'll give me a fresh start."

Mila shook her head. "No, Essie. This isn't right. "

Both girls looked up as they heard footsteps getting closer. It was Essie's grandfather, Pastor Thomas, walking towards them.

"The office called me to pick you up after an altercation that occurred in class. Are you okay?" asked Essie's grandfather.

Essie, while quickly wiping her tears, replied, "Yes, I am okay."

Mila, unable to hold it in any longer, jumped in, "Pastor Thomas, you can't just send Essie away like this." Her voice tinged with desperation. "She deserves a chance to stay and finish school, to make things right."

"I understand your concern, Mila, but Essie's situation is complicated. She needs a fresh start, away from the judgement and scrutiny of this town."

"But she's not alone, Pastor Thomas," Mila insisted. "She has her friends and family here to support her. Sending her away will only make things worse."

Pastor Thomas nodded, "I know it's difficult to understand, Mila. But I truly believe this is what's best for Essie. Sometimes, we have to make tough choices for the ones we love, even if they don't understand them at the time."

Essie looked at her grandfather and gave him a faint smile. His words reassured her that everything was going to be okay. One day she would look back on this day and know that she has a friend who is willing to fight for her and a grandfather who only wants the best for her. 

For Essie, this was just the beginning of a journey filled with twists and turns. triumphs and setbacks. But no matter what lay ahead, she was determined to face it with courage and resilience, knowing that she had the love and support of her friends and family behind her every step of the way.

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