NINE: Maevi & Family

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"Maevi," (May-Vee) Essie says as she stares lovingly into her daughter's eyes. 

"Will that be her name?" asks Julie. 

"Yes, her name will be Maevi."

 Essie and Julie's eyes meet with tears as they share an intimate moment. Julie understands the reasoning behind her newborn granddaughter's name. It was the conjoining of the names of two strong women who sacrificed so much for their family: Grandma Maelani and Grandma Vivian.

"I think it's perfect," Julie says as she hugs Essie while gently holding Maevi's hand.

Julie and Essie are lost in the moment that they do not notice Pastor Thomas walk in.

"Me too," says Pastor Thomas as he embraces his daughter, granddaughter, and great granddaughter in a hug. 

"Dad!" Julie exclaims, shocked. 

"I'm so sorry, Essie," he says, his voice choked with emotion. "I should have protected you better."  

Essie reaches out and takes his hand. "It's not your fault, grandpa. Accidents happen, but what's important is that we're all here now, together. Their shared moment is one of forgiveness and reconciliation as they find solace in the knowledge that their family remains united in love.

As Essie begins to adjust to life outside the hospital, the weight of responsibility settles heavily on her shoulders. Each day presents a new challenge as she grapples with the reality of being a single mother. 

Their family struggles deepen when Essie's father has an accident at work, exacerbated by his overwork from holding two jobs. The doctor's advice to retire comes as a blow to the family, leaving Essie and her mother as the only working adults in their household of nine. 

Working as a waitress, Essie becomes reluctant with realizing how she must rely on strangers' tips to put food on the table. Despite this, she knows that this job is necessary to provide for her parents, siblings, and especially her baby girl Maevi. 

Determined to support her family, Essie takes on two jobs, her days long and exhausting as she balances work and motherhood. But amidst the exhaustion and hardships, she finds strength in the love she holds for her daughter and her unwavering commitment to the well-being of her family. 

Essie's siblings, despite being in school, demonstrate maturity, recognizing the family's circumstances and willingly contributing what they can to help ease the burden on Essie and their parents. Whether it's helping out with baby Maevi or doing chores around the house, Essie and her parents can always rely on everyone in the household to evenly distribute the weight of the load. 

As Essie looks at her family, she sees her motivation to strive for a better life. She dreams of a future where they can all thrive, free from the constant worry and financial strain that currently plagues their household. With each passing day, she is fueled by the desire to create a brighter future for her siblings, determined to break free from the cycle of hardship and adversity that has defined their live for too long. 

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