SIX: Waiting for Hope

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(Essie's mom, Julie's, POV)

The loud and sudden ring of the phone alarmed Julie, who had been preparing dinner. She dusted her hands on her apron and reached for the phone. 

"Hello?" she answered.

"Julie, it's Dad," came the voice on the other end of the line.

"Oh hi, Dad! How are you and Essie?" Julie replied. 

"There is something we need to talk about," said Julie's dad. 

The change of her father's tone took Julie by surprise. "What is it, Dad?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady. 

There was a long pause on the other end of the line, and Julie's breath caught in her throat as she waited for her father to speak.

"I've made a decision," he said finally, his voice solemn. "Essie will be moving back home."

Julie's heart skipped a beat, her mind filled with disbelief at her father's words. 

"Dad, I'm sure that whatever she did can be remedied, you don't have to jump -" she was cut off.

"Julie, this time it's different. Essie, she's.. she is pregnant."

Julie could not believe her ears. Her mind raced - anger, frustration, and guilt. She knew her father meant well, but she couldn't shake the feeling that this was a mistake.

Julie spent hours just thinking about the news her father broke to her. She eventually told Essie's father, Charles, about Essie's situation. He, too, was stunned in disbelief. They wept together for their daughter and prayed that she would be okay. 

As Julie's family gathered at the bus station, their hearts heavy with anticipation, news of an accident spread like wildfire through the small town. Panic gripped Julie's heart as she grabbed her husband's hand, her mind racing with fear for her daughter's safety.

And then, finally, they received word that Essie's bus had been involved in a devastating accident in the town nearby. Without a moment's hesitation, Julie and her family rushed to the hospital, their hearts pounding with dread. 

Hours passed in agonizing silence as they waited for news of Essie's condition. Time seemed to stretch on endlessly, each minute feeling like an eternity as they prayed for a miracle.

And then, at long last, the doctors emerged from Essie's room, their faces somber. Julie's heart clenched with fear as she awaited their verdict, her hands trembling with anticipation.

"The baby survived," the doctor said, his voice tinged with both relief and concern. "But they are both in critical condition. We're doing everything we can, but they are fighting for their life."

Tears welled in Julie's eyes as she heard the news, her heart breaking for her daughter and her newborn granddaughter. And as she looked at her daughter lying unconscious in the hospital bed, Julie prayed to God with all her might, asking Him to protect both Essie and the baby, and to guide them through this darkest of hours. 

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