xxvii | lean on me

Start from the beginning

She cut him off with a laugh. "You think I haven't tried it? My mom is too drugged up to even notice what he does to herself, let alone me."

"You don't have any other relatives to help you out?" Calvin said, almost frustrated with himself for not being able to do something.

"Well, there's my brother, but he's already rich and married off with some bimbo down in Texas," Lennon admitted, sitting down on his bed and tucking her legs to her chest. "And he hasn't bothered to contact me for two years. He was so eager to get the hell up outta Compton that he forgot about his own sister."

"I'm sure that wasn't the case," Calvin tried to reassure her, but she shook her head.

"I know it was, and I don't need false hope of him ever coming back," she spat, rolling her eyes and hiding her cheeks between her knees.

He didn't mean to reopen her wounds, and he felt guilty for that. "I'm sorry for bringing it up. I shouldn't have."

She shrugged her shoulders; an apathetic gesture that she found herself doing too often. "It's not your fault, you were just concerned. Although, your main concern should be tackling these college essays."

He laughed, the tension in the air instantly evaporated. "Believe me, I need all the help I can get."


"When you write your essays, you need to tell a story or an experience," Lennon stressed, exasperated. "But you can't tell a college about the time you bought laced weed from group of guys who looked like the mafia!"

"Why not?" He whined, while she crumpled the essay he spent half an hour writing. "That taught me to never trust shady guys with a weird accent and funny looking mustaches."

Lennon sighed, before sitting on the bed and putting her face in her hands. "Calvin, can you take this serious? This essay is one of your only chances to leave this shithole, and you think it's a joke?"

He stiffened, before making his way over to her. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset."

Lennon didn't respond, she just sat and stared at the floor until he saw drops start to form on her light blue jeans.

"Oh shit, please don't cry," he pleaded, running his hands through his hair. "Fuck, I'm not good when it comes to people crying."

She let out a watery laugh, and she sniffed a little. "Me too."

He sat next to her on the bed, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "I must be a really shit friend if all I do to you is make you upset."

"It's not even your fault so don't beat yourself up about it," she reassured him, leaning into his chest. "It's none of our faults."

Calvin was about to respond but the door to his room barged open.

"Calvin, it's a fucking Friday-" Free barged into his room, dressed up and ready to go to a party. "Wow, so much for a one night stand, eh?"

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked her, not even bothering to let go of Lennon. At this point he didn't care about what assumptions she might make from this.

"So this is what you're throwing out four years friendship away for?" She inquired, walking further into the room with her arm crossed over her chest. "For her?"

"Farrah, get the fuck out of my house," he hissed, trying not to yell in Lennon's ear.

"Why do you keep calling me Farrah?" She asked him in a quieter voice. "Only you guys get to call me Free."

"Well, we're not friends anymore," he stated harshly, his voice lacking emotion. "So I'm going to call you what everyone else calls you, Farrah."

"I can't believe you're doing this," she said in disbelief. "Over some little slut-"

Suddenly, Calvin's vintage alarm clock went flying into the air and crashing into Free's head.

"Fuck!" She yelled, stumbling back while holding her forehead in pain.

"Don't call me, or anyone else a slut," Lennon seethed, her hands now shaking in angry as she stood up.

"Did you just throw a clock at me, bitch?" Free asked, clenching her fist as if to fight Lennon.

"Get out, Farrah," Calvin repeated, nudging Lennon on the bed behind him. "I don't want you here."

"So you wouldn't mind if I sent this picture of you two in your bed to Harvey, now would you?" She pulled her phone out of her pocket and showed him a photo of the intimate looking position him and Lennon were in just a few minutes ago.

"Go ahead," he told her nonchalantly. "Do it. I don't give a fuck."

Her eyes widened and she gave him one last glance. "You can't be for-"

"Get the hell out of my house," Calvin told her calmly before turning toward Lennon. "Anyway..."

Free backed out the room at last, and he could hear the pouncing of her worn out converse against the wood flooring at his house.

"You didn't have to do that," Lennon murmured. "She seemed really affected and hurt."

Calvin shook his head. "You're too nice, Len. She's been bitchy even since we've became friends but it only escalated when we started talking to you."

She glanced down at her hands. "I'm sorry I ruined your friendship. But I'm not sure what I did to make her hate me so much."

"Believe me," Calvin stated, glaring at the door Free just left through. "I have an idea why."

a/n: ayyyyyyye it's like 2 am and I just finished this and I wanted to upload this so I did


all the love, rachel.

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